USA this is your food.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2005
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As a result Beyers cost-cutting practices U.S. products no longer contain enough milk and cream to actually be considered "ice cream", and are now labeled "Frozen Dairy Dessert" instead.

As a result of Hersey's cost-cutting practices "Milk Chocolate" products, (Kisses for example) no longer contain sufficent food stuffs, and are now labeled "Chocolate candy" instead.
Beyers ice cream?

Never heard of it.
Is the ice cream low on cream for health reasons perhaps? It used to by that ice cream was super high in fat, but over time it's been slimmed down. They also mix in a lot of air to make it soft and fluffy. Ever had dense super high fat ice cream? I've only had it in Greece.
that isn't my food... i rarely eat anything prepackaged and in all honesty the foods i like to eat, i can make better from scratch.... i have always gardened... hell i planted a vegetable garden in a war zone in my spare time... my biggest faults in food procurement is my addiction to milk, and bagged flour is easier to deal with... if i could find a decent and durable milling machine id be shutting half of that down too... i have eggs, bacon, beef,chicken and any kind of game bird id care to eat (we have an aviary too, at the farm and incubators that hold 350 eggs a piece with an auto tilter to turn them). we raise our own turkeys each year... on sundays i make a bunch of stuff up for the week so my oven is runnin all day, but i have plenty to eat all week and there is usually more than enuff for company... the army changed me in at least one good way... when you can finally accept that the things that should matter most to you are carried in your heart and soul and not in two duffel bags you've found a good place in life.
i had a cat too... the phillipino boys named it tequila... whenever we were in garrison he would sleep in my sleeping bag with me and hed lay flat on my chest... lol... when the war was over i tried to bring him back, but there were so many heartwarming soldier/dog stories the army just wasnt doing cats... and in saudi, there are as many free roaming cats as there are stars in the sky!!
that isn't my food... i rarely eat anything prepackaged and in all honesty the foods i like to eat, i can make better from scratch.... i have always gardened...
I'm getting fat this week on Rhubarb. Well the Crisp version can do that with all it's sugar. My own garden grown.