Visit Jericho, Arkansas

metalman said:
A consequence of Bill Clinton's "Community Oriented Policing Services Program", putting "100,000 new cops" on the street ..... after the money ran out .....

This sort of self financing police unit was developed during Ronnie's War on Drugs which became self financing with profit seizure laws and now hassle inner city neighborhoods without government financing - the poor get to pay for their own repression!. It sort of follows the "privateer" model which is legalized piracy, i.e. a person obtains permission from the powers that be to steal in proscribed ways that forward the agenda of the ruling classes.
The Fire Chief who was shot will be charged with battering a cop.

I'm sure the "law and order" types will be pleased that this "felon" is getting what's coming to him. Hope we don't hear any of that bleeding heart bleating about him being a "victim".