Wall Street Journal Poor


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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Want to get a feel for the demographic that the Wall Street Journal caters to? Want to see what passes for poor in their circles? Maybe you want to compare yourself here and see how you stack up - if you're man enough.

I kid you not - check out this info-graphic ... And just in case it disappears some day I downloaded a copy - but while it's still up, go have a look.
What, you mean most single moms with two kids don't make over a quarter of a million dollars a year?
Haha that's great! Nope, I don't even fit into that poor category. Not even close.

All that said, Obama is a lying bastard. Obama promised if you make under $250k/year your taxes would not go up a dime. Complete lie. Every single person in this country who has a job got stuck with a 2% tax increase, thanks to the so called "Payroll tax". By my calculations I will pay $1,600 more this year. Thanks a lot Barry
But there are two backdoor tax increases that will apply to people earning far less—$250,000 for singles and $300,000 for couples.
anyone making 250,000 and more is incredibly wealthy - what's the problem?