We came. We saw. He died.


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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That's what Hillary said:
and pleased she deserved to be because now we know who was behind the push for war in Libya (or at least we know who was the agent that worked to make it happen). Evidence has emerged that Hillary was Obama's Cheney as she "fixed" the facts "around the policy". Just as the office of Special Plans stove-piped their evidence to the decision makers to get the outcome they wanted from Dubya, Hillary blew smoke up Obama.
The question remains for me what was in it for Hillary. Cheney and his neo-cons had Israeli security/ regional ambitions and US oil interests in mind, but what about Libya? Who was behind Hillary? Well, the Republicans are strongly backed by oil, the Democrats by banking. Could Hillary have been doing a favour for the bankers to prove what a good president she could be for them?