What happens when an armed man tries to kidnap a boy?

I hate to say this because it makes me sound like a terrible human being, but as an American, I completely lost interest the moment I heard them shouting in Arabic (or whatever language that is)... Guess after 9/11 and with all the terrorism coming from that region, I still fall in the "turn the whole gorram region into a plate of glass as far as I'm concerned" category..
my reaction (and I had the sound off because others in the room were listening to something else.....if I had been there I would have found a big rock and bash his head in (the guy wit the gun, that is)

but, I'm friendly like that :)
Guess after 9/11 and with all the terrorism coming from that region, I still fall in the "turn the whole gorram region into a plate of glass as far as I'm concerned" category..
Ever wonder why there is terrorism coming from that region? Ever wonder why we alone should be allowed to commit terrorism (but never call it that)? You live in a bubble of righteousness (cultivated for you by your "leadership", of course, not your fault), but you seem to be completely unaware of why "they hate us". And if the region was turned into a plate of glass as you imply you would prefer, would the doing of it be a lesser crime than 9/11?
I'm absolutely aware of why they hate us, and they're -- in most cases -- right to do so.

Much like "the Central planets" (Firefly reference), we meddle and try to control when we should step back and let them figure their own shit out. Americans hate the idea of others telling us what to do, so why would they be any different? I firmly believe we should completely leave the middle east, let them kill each other for their respective beliefs/religions, then deal with whomever is left over at the end on a much less "we're here to try and tell you how to do things" level...

The fact that they want to kill each other doesn't worry me at all. Similarly, the fact that they oppress women as part of their religion is none of our business. The fact that they want to kill "us" does bother me, but no one wants to hear my solution.

As a personal shortcoming -- living where I do now -- I've simply become accustomed to tuning out when I hear Arabic dialects being spoken.