Who is ALEC?


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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Why, that would be the American Legislative Exchange Council.

They write legislation that helps get more people off the streets and into prison for longer and longer terms. And then they are helping to break unions by offering all those prisoners as a labour source that is as cheap as China. In fact, they wrote the legislation that makes that possible.

So who is ALEC? Well, there are legislators but there are also the folks that own the private prisons.

One can vaguely imagine there will come a golden age in America when there will be 4 classes in America - the poor who could only find work in the armed forces, the poor who could only find work as prisoners, the elite who rule over both, and the free who struggle to find any decent work at all but are simultaneously expected to fund the armed forces, the prisons and buy the output of the prisons.

[...] in 2005 more than 14 million pounds of beef infected with rat feces processed by inmates were not recalled, in order to avoid drawing attention to how many products are made by prison labor.
Was that article released on April 1st?:confused:
And people wonder why the prison population is so high.