Now that I'm willing to try.
Now that I'm willing to try.
The official Amiga OS and/or morphOS really need to get off PPC. If they're religiously opposed to Intel, then at least port it to ARM. They'd have all those Android tablets to choose from as a cheap hardware base. I still think an intel desktop is the best choice, any ARM portable would also force them to take power management seriously, and who wants to do that?
any ARM portable would also force them to take power management seriously, and who wants to do that?
MorphOS runs Amiga software natively, as long as it doesn't bang the old custom chips directly (ancient games and demos). To a lesser extent, OS4 also runs Amiga software natively. AROS OTOH does not run Amiga software at all without using (non-JIT) UAE.
AFAIK, PPC can not run M68K binaries natively, it has to be emulated/translated at some point. Emulating 25 year old software on a single 3GHz+ core is good enough IMO.
I don't think AROS has JIT yet? Even on 3Ghz+ it will run Amiga software pretty slow compared to a Power Mac.
I have nothing against AROS. I just prefer MorphOS. MorphOS also has the best native software of all the NG options, such as OWB. Modern web browsing to me is a must and the MOS version of OWB is quite good.