On the subject of Ellen Page...


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
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First of all, I don't care if you're whatever letter of the LGBxyz alphabet you want to be. That's none of my business, and honestly, I don't give a {bleep} as long as you don't come at me trying to force it to BE my business...

This is NOT a popular opinion and I'll probably draw heat here, but I don't care. This whole thing is about how *I* feel about it, so deal...

That being said, I can't help but feel a little sad this early Saturday morning...

I have been watching, and kind of enjoying the strange TV show "The Umbrella Academy" (which I think wrapped up with the end of this season)... In it, one of the core stars has been Ellen Page, (ummm. now I guess "Elliot Page"...) and I just don't understand. Ellen Page had always been an incredibly talented, beautiful young actress who I enjoyed watching in pretty much everything she ever starred in (including The Umbrella Academy)...

This season though, she shows up in a really bad wig having trouble playing her character, (her character having had a lesbian love affair in the last season). A couple of episodes in, she goes to a barber shop, gets a boy's haircut, shows back up and tells everyone that she's now "Victor" instead of Vanya. The entire cast of characters simply go "ok" and how Vanya (former character name) is now a "brother" and nobody even bats an eyelash... Seriously sad WOKE shit here that has all but destroyed my enjoyment of the entire show...

That being said, I had been mostly unaware of the previous personal issues surrounding the actress. Yes, I knew about the whole "I'm Elliot now" stupidity, but I wasn't aware of the degree of personal and physical mutilation that she had put herself through to "become" this "new person"...

I can't help but be reviled by all of this with the feeling that she is suffering from some sort of mental illness... I don't see some guy standing on screen, I can only see a talented actress who has destroyed her own identity to "live her truth" (whatever the {bleep} that is) in this world of overly woke stupidity. I can't bare to watch her any longer knowing the level of personal loathing she must have for herself to have done this, and I'm sad because where she may actually be happy now, all I can see is the loss and destruction of what was amazing talent in the sake of whatever the {bleep} she wants to call it...
Don't feel bad. She's a globalist stooge that just makes sh*t up for political gain. Here she slanders Mike Pence, before going into acting with crocodile tears blaming Trump and Pence for Jussie Smollett's supposed attack.

Yeah, that didn't age well. Did she ever apologize after it turned out Juicy attacked himself? Of course not. Gender Dysphoria does not excuse someone for being a lying propagandist.
That's kinda what I'm a bit sad about. She's woke and making life-altering decisions based on the stupidity of the moment. Worst case scenario, she's completely bought into the delusion...