Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.


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Apr 2, 2005
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Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico All Blame Biden Team for Border Crisis

On the eve of Kamala Harris’ visit to Guatemala Monday, marking her first foreign trip as vice president, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei repeated his position during an interview that aired Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the Biden administration’s more welcoming tone is responsible for attracting the historic migrant surge overwhelming resources and personnel at the U.S. southern border.

The Biden administration’s promise that it will “reunite” migrant families and children with their relatives in America are incentivizing his compatriots to emigrate, Giammattei told CBS News.

“The message [for migrants] changed [under Biden] too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,'” he added.

“The very next day [after the Biden administration’s welcoming message], the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States,” Giammattei, who has blamed President Joe Biden’s lenient border security policies for the surge in the past, declared.

BIDEN on ???: Americans Would Need Some ‘Nuclear Weapons’ to ‘Take on the Government’

Joe Biden delivered a major address to the nation Wednesday on gun rights in America; saying citizens would need some “nuclear weapons” to adequately defend themselves from government tyranny.

WRONG! I have it on very good authority from some very smart people that all you need is a couple of hundred unarmed guys and a hat with horns.
WRONG! I have it on very good authority from some very smart people that all you need is a couple of hundred unarmed guys and a hat with horns.

Yup, my TV tells me it was the most violent event in US history, even topping out the Civil War. Why is Biden disputing this? Is he some sort of conspiracy theorist?

Biden Oddly Claims He ‘Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler’ Truck

Joe Biden continued to baffle millions of Americans while touring the Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania Wednesday; telling aides and company executives he “used to drive an 18-wheeler.”

“I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” the 78-year-old Chief Executive can be heard saying. “I got to.”

“There is zero evidence that Biden ‘used to drive an 18 wheeler,’” tweeted the Republican National Committee’s Zach Parkinson.

“The extent of Biden’s trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973,” Parkinson wrote.

“Truck driver, coal miner, it’s all just nonsense Biden makes up because he thinks reporters won’t call him on it,” Parkinson claimed.

Hunter Biden Says He Lost *ANOTHER* Laptop to Russian Drug Dealers in Naked Pillow Talk


The Daily Mail reports:

The alleged incident would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers – the first abandoned at a Delaware computer store and the second seized by federal agents – each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden and the embarrassing pictures, videos and communications of his son.
The third laptop still appears to be missing – and was taken by Russian drug dealers after they partied with Hunter in Vegas, he told a prostitute in a conversation caught on camera.
After filming himself having sex with the woman using his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent ’18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,’ sometimes costing $10,000 a night.
“I spent f***ing crazy amounts of money,” Hunter is seen telling the woman, before telling a story of how he almost drowned in a hot tub. “I was with these guys. The one guy was, not like you anyway… each night he’d be like ‘there’s going to be so many people here, crazy f***ing party’ and each night it’s nobody.”

“I went out to the hot tub by myself, which hangs over the edge of the f***ing top floor, with glass, it’s ridiculous,” Biden’s son recounts. “And so I’m sitting there and that’s the last I remember. And I don’t ever pass out, ever.”

“I wake up and the only people that are there are Miguel, the guy frantically running round gathering things up, ok – and Miguel, and Pierce, this guy, his friend,” he allegedly added. “They had kicked everybody out. And they had cleaned up the entire place, everything ok? And they were getting ready to leave, and I woke up. And there was this Russian 35-year-old, really nice, pure brunette. She refused to leave and they wouldn’t call an ambulance. And they didn’t know whether I was dead or not, at first.”

Hunter then explains the moment he realizes that his computer was missing.

“I think he’s the one that stole my computer. I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere. F***ing everywhere, crazy out of your mind sh**,” he says. “They have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex f***ing, you know.”

“My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on. And he would always put in a passcode and all that, you know what I mean? It was f***ing crazy sh**.,” he adds. “And somebody stole it during that period of time. He did all this kind of like pretend search and sh**.”

Later, the woman asks Hunter if he is concerned that the videos could be used to “blackmail” him.

“Yeah in some way yeah,” Hunter responds. “My dad [inaudible] running for president. He is. I talk about it all the time.”

“If they do, he also knows I make like a gazillion dollars,” he muses.

Click through for video.
Still want to pretend Biden "won" the election? Worst president in US history by far. Move over Jimmy Carter. The US under orangemanbad destroyed ISIS. The US under China Joe just handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban. The fricken Taliban!!!

Even the Liberal Media is largely taking Biden to task.

'Were all of our sacrifices wasted?' War veterans react to stunning Afghanistan collapse

After more than 2,300 Americans were killed and 20,000 wounded in a 20-year war that cost the U.S. an estimated $2.26 trillion, Sanderlin said, many military families are wondering if all their blood and sweat – in addition to the months of separation and the missed special occasions – were all for naught.

"There are a lot of veterans who are grappling with: ‘Was it worth it? Were all of our sacrifices wasted?'" Sanderlin said. She added that many are conflicted about the Biden administration’s decision to pull out the U.S. troops, which opened the door for the Taliban.
Still want to pretend Biden "won" the election? Worst president in US history by far. Move over Jimmy Carter. The US under orangemanbad destroyed ISIS. The US under China Joe just handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban. The fricken Taliban!!!

Even the Liberal Media is largely taking Biden to task.

'Were all of our sacrifices wasted?' War veterans react to stunning Afghanistan collapse

After more than 2,300 Americans were killed and 20,000 wounded in a 20-year war that cost the U.S. an estimated $2.26 trillion, Sanderlin said, many military families are wondering if all their blood and sweat – in addition to the months of separation and the missed special occasions – were all for naught.

"There are a lot of veterans who are grappling with: ‘Was it worth it? Were all of our sacrifices wasted?'" Sanderlin said. She added that many are conflicted about the Biden administration’s decision to pull out the U.S. troops, which opened the door for the Taliban.
I don't understand. It's a continuation of the Trump policy of withdrawing, to stop wasting money on s**tholes everywhere on the world. It would make sense to invest the freed up funds to be invested in modernizing the US industry to make it competitive again. For all our sakes (including Bidens) the US NEEDS to be great again otherwise China - or rather the CCP - will.
I don't understand. It's a continuation of the Trump policy of withdrawing, to stop wasting money on s**tholes everywhere on the world. It would make sense to invest the freed up funds to be invested in modernizing the US industry to make it competitive again. For all our sakes (including Bidens) the US NEEDS to be great again otherwise China - or rather the CCP - will.
yup. also, the withdrawal is a case of 'damned if you stay and damned if you leave'.
Frankly, the US needs to get the heck out of that part of the world.
Diplomacy should be used to strengthen allies.

The military should be used for emergencies like earthquakes and other natural disasters

and we most definitely need to put money into universal health care, infrastructure, etc.


Joe Biden claimed “zero” parallels between U.S. withdrawals from Afghanistan and Vietnam. As the Taliban take Kabul, he’s proved wrong.

“We, of course, are saddened indeed by the events. … But these events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America’s leadership in the world,” said the U.S. president.

But that president wasn’t Biden. It was Gerald Ford on April 23, 1975, as North Vietnamese forces rolled toward Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam.

A two-decade American effort to turn South Vietnam into a noncommunist bulwark in Southeast Asia had failed. A million-man army long advised, financed, trained, and equipped by the United States was crumbling as South Vietnamese soldiers fled the front lines. They stripped off their uniforms and attempted to disappear into the civilian population.

“We can and we should help others to help themselves,” said Ford. “But the fate of responsible men and women everywhere, in the final decision, rests in their own hands, not in ours.”

Last month, Biden echoed the same sentiments, putting the fate of Afghanistan squarely on the shoulders of the Afghan government and military. It is, he said, “the right and the responsibility of the Afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country.”
Holy crap!! Even MSDNC is criticizing Joe Biden! Stunning to see most of the Liberal Media calling out Biden. I guess the most embarrassing military defeat in US history is impossible to ignore. Biden makes Carter look competent!(!!!!!)

Worst "president" ever. Those who like to pretend he "won" legitimately must be feeling pretty stupid right about now.

Iraq Veteran Rep. Meijer: Afghanistan Collapse 'Worst Of All Worlds'​


Bin Laden warned in 2010 letter that Biden would ‘lead US into crisis’

Osama bin Laden once warned al Qaeda not to target Joe Biden because he believed that his inheriting the presidency if something were to happen to Barack Obama would “lead the US into a crisis,” a resurfaced letter shows.

In the letter dated May 2010, the al Qaeda 9/11 mastermind wrote he had no assassination plots against Biden because he deemed him “totally unprepared” to lead the United States.

Report: Kamala Harris Has Not Been Seen Publicly In 6 Days

Kamala Harris has not been seen publicly in six days as Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban.

The Daily Mail reports that Harris has been out of the public eye for almost a week, which includes her not being present on Tuesday when Joe Biden gave an address from the White House about the crisis in Afghanistan.

Now, she’s apparently leaving this week for a trip to Singapore and Vietnam.