Has Q chucked it?

It's a toss up on which thread to post in. Since the mention Qanon, I'll drop here.

I see that as more of an indictment of twitter than Greene.
I agree up to a point, and that point is that it doesn't paint Twitter in a great light either. They've chosen to draw a line in the sand and it's up to them where they draw it. I think they're dangerously overcooking it and setting some bad precedents but I also recognise that the constant railing against fake news was always likely to lead to something like this. That it's mostly those who complained loudest about fake news currently being highlighted as spreading it is an ironic side note.
As for Greene, I don't have too much sympathy. She's a nasty piece of work and I still can't make up my mind whether she's actually "red-pilled" and believes the hateful nonsense she spreads, or she's just another grifter cashing in on the gullible. Either way, not a lot of time for Q acolytes.
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Thought this was a piss take at first but no, it seems Mr. Dilbert really has fallen down the Q hole.
He'll soon be warning us not to play Judas Priest backwards. :lol:

He also comes out with this beauty:

By that logic Joe Brown, Joe Baker and Joe Bananas are all the devil. :confused:

The whole video is here. Relatively sane until about 28 and a half minutes in when the "satanic coincidences" woowoo starts.
And here he is again, Scott "you can't expect me to fact check the nonsense I spread" Adams:
What a fake-news hero.
I don't know Greene, but Crenshaw is the real deal. I also don't like the "team" concept.
I'm the opposite; don't know Crenshaw but have been loosely following Greene's idiocy for a couple of months.
This stuff isn't specific to Qanon but, much like the flat earth stuff, there's a huge overlap in the Venn diagram of Q followers and people who believe reptilians are running the cabal. If you have a Facebook login and want a laugh/cry, check this out.
Q still hasn't chucked it but the site admin has.
And Q hasn't posted since.

The Daily Beast have an article on what's been happening.
QAnon’s Home 8kun Is Imploding—and Q Has Gone Silent
For regulars on the internet forum 8kun, Election Day was supposed to be a revelation. President Donald Trump would win in a landslide, maybe sweeping all 50 states, in a glorious victory foretold by 8kun’s most famous user: the anonymous personality known as Q.
Instead, Trump lost, Q has gone silent, and one of 8kun’s main administrators has quit.

8kun is ground zero for QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory that falsely accuses President Donald Trump’s opponents of Satanic pedophilia and cannibalism. Q, who claims to be a high-level military intelligence figure, posts exclusively to 8kun. That means the forum has effectively hitched its fortunes to the theory.

“The only reason people are still going to 8chan at all is because of Q,” Fredrick Brennan, who founded the site as 8chan, told The Daily Beast. “All the other users have basically left. It’s pretty abysmal over that right now, as far as user engagement is concerned.”
This is doing the rounds tonight among some of the Qrackpots on my FB friend list:

Oh, and Fall of Cabal 2 is even better than the first one, apparently. :confused:
Guliani sweating hair dye everywhere is part of Q's plan:
US President-elect Joe Biden has fractured his foot while playing with one of his dogs, his doctor has said.
The subsequent scan found that Mr Biden had suffered "hairline fractures" of two small bones in the middle of his right foot, the doctor said.
"It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks," Mr O'Connor said.

I fully expect this to be spun by the crazy gang as proof that Biden has been arrested and is wearing a tag. :D
I fully expect this to be spun by the crazy gang as proof that Biden has been arrested and is wearing a tag. :D

No conspiracy theory when occam's razor will suffice. Joe Biden is a 78 year old man with failing physical and mental faculties. Falls are to be expected in this demographic. They are the norm, not the exception.

Now the Liberal Media spin is quite funny. They claim it was an "unusual accident" while vigorously play chasing his dog. :rolleyes: