NRA is TSA's new friend.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2005
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NRA blames the evil Rock-n-Roll music and wants to militarize the local schools

The NRA has always been the crazy arm of the Republican Party. They're even farther out in right-field. Come on here NRA look past the end of your nose. Europe has the same evil music, videogames, and movies as the USA does. Comparitively their societies don't cap kids.

And in case you think adding cops with guns in the schools are the answer. Ask yourself why the cop on site at Columbine onsite didn't kill their two shooters.
Looks like the NRA has been co-opted. {bleep} brutal shame...
NRA Logic - 50% of us own guns. 70% of us play videogames. It's very clear we all must give up our First Ammendment Rights to ensure the Second Ammendment Right.
i think its time we start looking at a myriad of factors that contributed to this problem...
i think its time we start looking at a myriad of factors that contributed to this problem...

The "myriad of factors" is simple. Boy was mentally distured. Mother knew he was mentally disturbed yet didn't secure her weapons. Boy took unsecure guns and did what he did.

Music didn't cause this.
Video games didn't cause this.
Suvivalists didn't cause this.
Republicans didn't cause this.
Democrats didn't cause this.
Libertarians didn't cause this.
etc etc didn't cause this.
And here's a counter to the last one:
My "Master" appears to be anti-militarizing schools and pro-free speech, and I agree.

Riiight, and you think "Republicans" are "for militarizing schools and anti-free speech". Keep fighting the boogeyman and ignore what is really going on in the country. Enjoy the economic collapse which is almost certainly coming.