Al Gore at Work: $8.7 Billion to 'Repair Sound Barrier'

I don't think its hate. I think in some cases its short sightedness, but I imagine that a lot of it is based on the fact that basically the entire middle class has been pushed back by around 70 years in terms of progress and that to help the poor, given the current levels of cronyism, would simply be an excuse by the rich to stick it to what remains of the middle class.

But I could be hugely misreading things here.
sure, the middle class is being screwed over.
but don't blame the poor. Blame the scum rich

and stop voting for asshats who are in the pocket of the koch bros (and other scum rich). People need to wake up
sure, the middle class is being screwed over.
but don't blame the poor. Blame the scum rich

and stop voting for asshats who are in the pocket of the koch bros (and other scum rich). People need to wake up

Last I checked, and it was a while ago admittedly, Red was consistently scathing of the corruption within government, wall street etc.

As for voting... Seriously, at this point I question who people can legitimately call clean. The two parties are really only different in terms of who has bought them, independent candidates tend to get smooshed pretty thoroughly...

Honestly if you haven't passed it already, you're getting mighty close to the point where the only fix would be to start from the ground up again.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
there's AT least 2 decent human beings in congress.