Average Candian is richer than the Average American

YES!! Just like I planned it. nyah nyah nyah.

It doesn't mention what kind of average it is though - probably the mean otherwise they'd say median. The wealth distribution in Canada is less skewed than it is in the US (though it's moving that direction) so that makes a difference to the average person. Also US prices for a lot of things are lower so effective purchasing power in the US is higher per dollar.
Low skilled Canadians are paid more and high skilled are paid less (currently working out well for us as US companies outsource high skill jobs - not so well for Americans).

But when I read the title I thought "real estate" and that seems to be the biggest chunk of the net worth - US real estate crashed and Canadian real estate retracted a bit.

Personally I think net worth is a misleading number only really useful to bankers and heirs. For instance a house (at least the first one you own) is a place to live and if you sold it you'd still need a place to live which would cost about the same as what you sold for - not really dollars you can use. Also, houses have liabilities. When house prices go up so does your insurance & property taxes. Counting how may dollars you could get for your house isn't really a good measure of wealth.

But getting back on topic ... IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!!
I think the value of the Canadian dollar plays a big role there, as it increases our buying power on the global markets. Also, the fact that the oil prices have been high all this time has helped Canada a great deal as well. And what shielded us from the great financial and housing collapse is better regulations that the US and many other nations lack.

But Americans can take comfort in the fact that Harper is doing his best to change things so that in the future Canada will be more vulnerable to the same gotchas the US has to worry about. Thanks Harper.
Yeah Obama! moving America backwards since 2008

The Obama Effect
Btw, why do Americans like to blame/credit everything to their president? I mean, is it not possible that Canadians increased their wealth because of something Canadians did? Can't we take some of the credit?
Btw, why do Americans like to blame/credit everything to their president? I mean, is it not possible that Canadians increased their wealth because of something Canadians did? Can't we take some of the credit?

Yeah but it's still Obama's fault. :D

For the record, there are a bunch of Scots who blame everything bad in the universe on the wee, fat guy who runs the wee bits of the country that London allows.
For the record, there are a bunch of Scots who blame everything bad in the universe on the wee, fat guy who runs the wee bits of the country that London allows.
:D it's all to blame on the main village!
Yeah Obama! moving America backwards since 2008
Interesting idea being he wasn't sworn in until early 2009. Nothing like assigning the loss of the game to the 9th inning pitcher.

you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." - President Obama
Has the election already degraded to out of context soundbites? Missed that, perhaps because Fox doesn't stream into my house. It's gonna be a long trip until fall.

Great Picture on how Republicans believe this works.

Republicans then go on to worship the Koch Brothers who got their start with inherited wealth. While they dispise Soros who started begging in the streets during WWII. .... Myth of the Self made Man has all sorts of fail.
@Metalman -- Likely Henry Ford didn't build that. The success of Henry Ford was one of the first use of assembly line manufacturing. He didn't smelt the metal or assemble the lines - he hired people to do this. He then didn't build these cars himself - he hired people to do this. His hard work was enhanced by the hard work of his neighbors. Ford knew that too. As he goaled to price the car and pay wages such that the factor workers who built the car could afford to buy the car. Ford's use of a liveable wage versus the concept of a minimum wage aided the growth in sales of the products the many built. ...

I don't think you or Republicans realize what a fail of 'self man man' your meme truly is.
- he hired people to do this. He then didn't build these cars himself - he hired people to do this.

A businessman pays workers for their labor, the businessman takes the risk if the product doesn't sell
Interesting idea being he wasn't sworn in until early 2009. Nothing like assigning the loss of the game to the 9th inning pitcher.

duh, do you know the rules that determine the winning and losing pitchers in baseball!?
Didn't build it - didn't even invent it. All of these pictures after the first one are precisely illustrations of the point.

Yes, there is a skill and a necessity for people who can organize other people to do things but that is not the same as doing it all yourself and it is hard to justify that the skill of organizing people is really worth a thousand times more than the skill of doing the actual work? Is telling the plumber to unclog my drain so much more valuable than the plumber unclogging my drain?

As to "risk" that usually belongs to someone else. Most entrepreneurs go bankrupt and the successful ones go bankrupt several times. What they tend to learn from this that remains a mystery to most people is that defaulting on the investment that other people have made in you generally doesn't cost that much. Borrow 10 million, lose your house and car. Borrow another 10 million till, get another house and car and try again till you make it.
"The Macintosh project started in the late 1970s with Jef Raskin, an Apple employee who envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. " LINK So, no Jobs didn't build it either. It was nearly 3 years after the project had been worked by others when Steve Jobs turned his attention to the project and wanted to marry in the Xerox GUI. (Oops Jobs didn't make the GUI either he stole the idea from others. Xerox who was heavily government funded.) And it was Larry Tesor that drove the idea of a 1 button mouse into the project.

It was Jeff with his BA in philosophy, BS in mathematics, and MA in computer science that is credited with the philosophical step of Apple to create a computer that was as easy to use as an appliance. Something accredited to Jobs. Jobs certainly lived and pushed this idea. Though no, Jobs, didn't originate it.

Keep posting your Memes. I appreciate how they neglect the truth.
A businessman pays workers for their labor, the businessman takes the risk if the product doesn't sell
Wow is your butt jealous of the shit your mouth spews?

The workers take a huge risk. Often the man was the sole bread winner for the family. Many had other jobs they left to dedicate their own sweat to work on the vision of others. If that vision failed the workers suffer too as they often lost their employment which means they couldn't pay for homes or feed kids. A great example of this is the depression era. In your view of the world it'd only be the visionairies which went homeless and breadless in the Depression. We all know that's not the truth. It's more often than not the workers that suffer as they absorb the risks.
Didn't build it - didn't even invent it. All of these pictures after the first one are precisely illustrations of the point.

Yes, there is a skill and a necessity for people who can organize other people to do things but that is not the same as doing it all yourself and it is hard to justify that the skill of organizing people is really worth a thousand times more than the skill of doing the actual work? Is telling the plumber to unclog my drain so much more valuable than the plumber unclogging my drain?

As to "risk" that usually belongs to someone else. Most entrepreneurs go bankrupt and the successful ones go bankrupt several times. What they tend to learn from this that remains a mystery to most people is that defaulting on the investment that other people have made in you generally doesn't cost that much. Borrow 10 million, lose your house and car. Borrow another 10 million till, get another house and car and try again till you make it.
Made me think of this: