BOMBSHELL Report: Tony Podesta Received $170,000 Bribe From A Russian Bank


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Apr 2, 2005
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Not only are the podesta sadistic child murdering pedophiles, but they also are all too happy to take bribes.

Report: Tony Podesta Received $170,000 From A Russian Bank — A Bribe To Convince Obama To Reduce Sanctions

Tony Podesta, John Podesta’s brother, was paid $170,000 by a Russian bank to convince the Obama administration to end their sanctions.

The Washington Post recently hired John Podesta to write a regular column about Trump. Podesta, of course, is a top Hillary Clinton campaign advisor, the same man that exploded at Jake Tapper and accused FBI Director James Comey of not looking at evidence. Now Tony Podesta, John Podesta’s brother, is in hot water. According to Open Secrets, Podesta’s firm racked up $170,000 from a Russian banking firm called Sberbank CIB.

According to The Daily Caller, the influence bought by the Russian bank was used to set up meetings with officials at the State Department…

The lobbying campaign targeted Congress and the executive branch, with Podesta and other lobbyists arranging at least two meetings between Sberbank officers and Department of State officials, according to Elena Teplitskaya, Sberbank’s board chairman, who spoke to House aides in August.

The Daily Caller also learned that Podesta was part of a larger covert lobbying effort to ease sanctions on Russian banks…

Podesta’s efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia’s second largest bank.

The Daily Caller dug even deeper into Podesta’s shady lobbying clients:

The Podesta Group represented Sberbank and its subsidiaries, Troika Dialog Group in the Cayman Islands, SBGB Cyprus Ltd in Nicosia, Cyprus, and SB International in Luxembourg. Troika Dialog also was related to Klein, Ltd., a Cayman Island organization that once funneled tens of millions of dollars to environmental groups to oppose low-cost fracking in the U.S., which was hurting the Russian oil industry. The Podesta Group represents dozens of foreign embassies in the nation’s capital, as well as many authoritarian regimes like Vietnam, Myanmar and Somalia.