Canadian college girls steal chips

LOL! Slow news day, Canada? If it had a CBC logo instead of the CTV, I'd swear it must have been a 22 Minutes sketch.
Good god! Kids have resorted to stealing bags of chips? Where is this country going to? At this rate our crime rates will match that of the United States in about... 1000 years?
Clearly Canada needs more Castle laws and more Guns. Else the only one with Chips will be criminals.
Saanich??? My brother used to live there. The roving hordes of drunken U Vic students were always a pestilence there - swaying on buses, giggling late at night but never did I think they'd stoop to stealing chips.

Good thing my brother moved out to Sidney where you can leave your chip shed unlocked and not worry ... (that is, provided that your chip shed is bear proof).