DC protests and breeching the house. What's real and what's not?


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Apr 2, 2005
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Why was the Proud Boys leader arrested YESTERDAY despite not breaking any law?

Why were at least some of the protesters escorted in under police protection?

Why is there an antifa member at the chair on the floor holding a BLM/Communist "Raised Fist"?

Why did "President Elect" Biden have a long pre prepared speech memorized?

Why did the "mainstream media" almost completely ignore 2 years of left wing actual rioting and terrorism, including against federal buildings with arson and attempted murder, but are acting like this is the first episode of civil unrest? Is DC the one ruling class untouchable?

Why does this "media" continue to misquote and/or take things entirely out of context?
Occam's razor. Trump has been screaming to anyone who will listen that the election has been stolen. He also won more votes in this election than any other president in history (not including the President Elect). He enjoys the support of a large number of people that believe his claims, are angry and will heed any call to "fight". Some of them decided to enter the Capitol Building to try and halt the process there.
Occam's razor. Trump has been screaming to anyone who will listen that the election has been stolen. He also won more votes in this election than any other president in history (not including the President Elect). He enjoys the support of a large number of people that believe his claims, are angry and will heed any call to "fight". Some of them decided to enter the Capitol Building to try and halt the process there.
It's pretty obvious what happened except to those desperately trying to protect the illusion of a world view that's been decades in the making.
Meanwhile, China tightens it's grip on Hong Kong: https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/2...-hong-kong-dissidents-arrested-for-subversion
Will Taiwan be next? I mean, it's not like the international community will care.

And the west is only fussing around, just like Xi Jinping and Putin like it to be. China and Russia will gain control in the middle east, and if Saudi Arabia will flip over to their side, western economies will weaken further, which means more civil unrest, more political instability and therefore more opportunities to gain control over the western powers. China is actually doing that already RIGHT NOW.

If you're worried about totalitarian 'Marxism/communism/socialism', then stop pointing at your fellow Americans or Europeans, and stop rioting ASAP. We'll either be ruled by our own deep state or by a foreign "people's party".
Article has appeared on BBC asking who stormed the chamber.

As well as the Q Shaman, they've so far identified Nick Ochs, who apparently describes himself as a "Proud Boy Elder", and alleged "white-nationalist," Tim Gionet, who goes under the pseudonym "Baked Alaska".
I can't speak to the validity of these IDs other than the Q Shaman, who some lunatics are still trying to claim is an Antifa-false-flag operative. However, Occam's Razor does indeed suggest these people are far more likely to be who the article says than the predictable but frankly embarrassing nonsense in the OP.
And that's without even getting into why Trump would be praising them and saying he loved them and "these are the things that happen when you steal an election from patriots..."
Trump clearly doesn't think it was Antifa and anyone claiming otherwise is either at it or extremely hard of thinking.
So, are you still saying the "Q Shaman" is a deep state or Antifa plant? Even after his background was pointed out to you?
Seriously Jim, this stuff is so easy to check but your confirmation bias won't let you so you stick with this nonsense?
Ignore the videos of the guy going back months, of him "protesting" pizza-gate-paedo symbols in shopping malls?
Ignore the interviews going back at least 7 months with him expressing his love for Trump and Q?
Ignore the fact he's appeared at Trump rallies for at least the last year?
Instead, this picture proves he's actually whatever "as expected" means?
It's not often I get to say this but Jake Angelli loves Donald Trump even more than you do and you think he's a plant. :D
Even for you, this is an absolutely hilarious level of denial.
I'm sure some of will regard trump's latest statement as the product of AI deepfakery...
I'm sure some of will regard trump's latest statement as the product of AI deepfakery...
I'll be honest, I was taken aback by how much of an about turn it was.
Someone's obviously had a word. :D
Here's another wee example of what happens when idiots ignorantly claim "Antifa" over anything they don't agree with (need an Instagram login):
Luckily the AP guy in the video was uninjured but I imagine that was pretty intimidating, being dragged through the crowd with people threatening to kill him and screaming "You Antifa?" in his face.
Multiple flashes of his AP press card before they leave hime be.
Any genuine Anifa there would probably have been beaten to a pulp.
Not that I expect this will make any impression on our resident reality denier.
At least 6 Republican state lawmakers posted to social media indicating that they were present or took part in the invasion of the building.
More Antifa plants?
  • The West Virginia delegate Derrick Evans, who the New York Times reported had posted a video of himself entering the building before deleting the post.
  • The Virginia state senator Amanda Chase, who wrote on Facebook, “These were not rioters and looters; these were Patriots who love their country and do not want to see our great republic turn into a socialist country. I was there with the people; I know. Don’t believe the fake media narrative,” according to the Henrico Citizen.
  • The Missouri state representative Justin Hill, who marched to the Capitol but did not enter, according to the St Louis Post-Dispatch. Hill missed his own swearing-in ceremony to be there.
  • The Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano organised a bus of people to attend the protests but, according to a video he released, did not attend himself, according to the Hill.
  • The Michigan state representative Matt Maddock, according to the Hill.
  • The Tennessee state lawmaker Terri Lynn Weaver, who told the Tennessean that she was “in the thick of it” and tweeted a picture from the attack
Seems the entire Trumpian section of the Republican party is actually a massive, long-dormant Antifa sleeper cell. :lol:
At least 6 Republican state lawmakers posted to social media indicating that they were present or took part in the invasion of the building.
More Antifa plants?

Seems the entire Trumpian section of the Republican party is actually a massive, long-dormant Antifa sleeper cell. :lol:
And one of them has now been arrested for his trouble. These Antifa agitators don't half go to some trouble to cover their tracks, going as far as becoming Republican politicians before making their move.

Evans has now resigned. What an idiot.
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