Don't be an idiot, vote for Gary Johnson in 2012

If everyone who was planning to waste their vote or just not vote, voted for this guy, he'd be the next POTUS.
i like gary johnson. he has a drastically different view for americas future than almost all others and it isn't unappealing for the most part.
I dislike libertarianism for reasons I have stated repeatedly here and elsewhere. That said, the status quo between the choice of either lackeys for the oil companies and military contractors and lackeys for Hollywood and military contractors cannot and must not continue.

Good luck to him.
If everyone who was planning to waste their vote or just not vote, voted for this guy, he'd be the next POTUS.

Yup... When you're voting for the "lesser of two evils" you're still voting for an evil... People need to wake up, and STOP DOING IT!
If Gary Johnson is a true Libertarian he should not be elected, period. Libertarians such as Ayn Rand conceive as altruism as a corrupt and unworthy value within humanity. IMO this flies in the face of a nation where WE the people form a union to ascribe a value dervied of the people, by the people and importantly for the people. The Founders were doing good for a nation. This is why they used the term PEOPLE instead of declaring individual f

Also to note - I don't think Libertarianism will fly in the USA, assuming the 70% of people that claim to be Christian really understand their faith. The words of Jesus in the Gospels is all about the alutristic good we should be doing for people. Libertarianism and Christianity are in complete opposition.

TL:DR? In the list of bad choices a Libertarian candidate is amongst the worst of choices.
Well... I wouldn't want to be an idiot. Thanks Red! Is that his official slogan?
IMO this flies in the face of a nation where WE the people form a union to ascribe a value dervied of the people, by the people and importantly for the people.

How much more wrongheaded could you be here? Right now we have WE THE GOV - FOR THE GOV. You seem to love redistribution of wealth, but you claim to be against NDAA, Patriot Act etc.
How much more wrongheaded could you be here?
Not much at all. The Founders built a union of States to work with a union of people to help promote the best for us all. Now you can argue we're off base there, which we may be. However, that doesn't change the Libertarian response which is alturism is corrupt and should be discarded. What this results in a everyone is their own. There can be no union of people or union of States because such a union will always, always depend upon some level of altruism.

You seem to love redistribution of wealth
Fact - all financial systems and use redistributes wealth. Though I do recall you recently complained we weren't redistributing enough wealth to Florida. A fairly anti-Libertarian stance.

you claim to be against NDAA, Patriot Act etc
Which I am. But, let's be clear here there are various steps between anarchism that Libertarianism wishes to be and fully socialist society. I argue either end is bad and society is best off somewhere in the grey middle.

In the more extreme Libertariansm they believe the greatest freedom is the minimal to no dictates of the government. They even give up property rights. Because even there they can only exist with the strongarm power of the government to enforce it. ... Again clearly property rights was not something our nation was built to do away with.

I enjoyed his Ron Paul backwashing speech. Too bad Paul can't break out of the two-party system itself. Ya might have a chance if Paul was sincere enough to follow his stated principles instead of being a party lickspittle.
Strangely the States that vote predominately Republicans get the most money from the Federal Government. LINK One should ask if the Republicans realize they're cutting out their own free lunch?
Is that his official slogan?

Yes, yes it is. You being Canadian and all shouldn't stop you from voting. Round up all your Canadian friends and head over the border into some blue state and vote for Gary Johnson.
red, i hope ur swing state ass does vote for gary... :rolleyes: did i just say that with my out loud type? :D
Yes, yes it is. You being Canadian and all shouldn't stop you from voting. Round up all your Canadian friends and head over the border into some blue state and vote for Gary Johnson.

being Canadian they have ethics, unlike the republicans. So they won't be doing any such thing