
faethor said:
This is the Fanboys Feedback on the new JJ Abrams Star Trek movie.

Wayne and I will see the film at 3:15 today (central time). I plan to write a review this evening. I already know that I will have to write two separate reviews:

1. Never seen nor heard of STAR TREK before (nor know any of its "canons").
2. From the perspective of a lifelong fan (having watched it as early as 1972... that I can remember. I was around -but very young- during its original airing).

Should be an interesting review. More later tonight!

Re: Fanboys - STAR TREK Review

ltstanfo said:
I will have to write two separate reviews:

1. Never seen nor heard of STAR TREK before (nor know any of its "canons").

Should be an interesting review. More later tonight!


Well, here we go...

If you have never seen or heard of STAR TREK before, or didn't ever care for any of the previous Treks, this is the movie for you! Right from the start you are thrown into action that virtually runs the entire film. This is exactly as advertised... REBOOT

The Good - superb CGI (what else would you expect from ILM?!
- Nonstop action
- a decent story

The Bad - SPOILER ALERT................................................................................................
1. Who in the hell drives a Corvette hundreds of years in the future?
2. Why does the bridge of the Enterprise have to look like a cross between a 70's era disco, a 70's era pinball arcade and a modern Apple Store? What the hell were the producers thinking?!
3. Who the hell builds mega-ton starships on earth, let alone in Iowa?! :shock:

The verdict? Go see this film..only pay a matinee price and only see it one time. It's fast, fun and somewhat refreshing. Not a bad way to spend $12.00.

In summary (and to quote another reviewer's write-up) "This ain't your Daddy's STAR TREK". Like the recent "reboot" of Battlestar Galactica by Ron Moore (which I did not like by the way), this new film is meant to be a "clean slate" of the Trek franchise that, while paying a kind of "homage" to the original series, it clearly meant to stand on it's own. There will be a another film.

6 out of 10

ltstanfo said:
I already know that I will have to write two separate reviews:

2. From the perspective of a lifelong fan (having watched it as early as 1972... that I can remember. I was around -but very young- during its original airing).

Should be an interesting review. More later tonight!


Surprise, surprise, surprise. I really went into this movie expecting to absolutely hate it. The last thing I thought would happen is that I actually (kind of) like it. Go figure. First, a bit about STAR TREK and me. I've watched Trek all of my life. My favorite is the original series, followed by Deep Space Nine and then frankly, I can do without the other series although there are a handfull of episodes from the others that I did enjoy. While I do not "live or die" by Trek "canon", I do take comfort in accepted / established series continuity / "history". Back to the review...

If you live by STAR TREK and it's accepted "canon", do not see this film. You will leave in disappointment. JJ Abrahms has completely undone all that came before and re-written Trek history from the beginning. Only the names and the places are somewhat familiar. As I stated in a previous review, "this ain't your Daddy's STAR TREK". JJ is clearly aiming for a new audience. With that in mind, (*** MAJOR SPOILER ALERT ***) read on if you dare.

1. You have to endure the overplayed and overused "time travel" excuse for how this movie occurs in the TREK universe. We've seen it before withe the Next Gen movie where they time travel back to earth to stop the borg... this plot is somewhat similar but it involves Romulans.
2. All accepted TREK canon is out the window. Don't look for or expect any of it beyond some very topical "hints" that were added in an effort to appease the existing TREK base. How good of an appeasement these topical hints are I leave up to you.

The Good:
- Karl Urban (Dr. McCoy) is quite simply BRILLIANT in his role. From the "get go" he has channeled the late DeForrest Kelley to bring this new McCoy to life and yet he (Urban) successfully makes the character his own. In my book, Urban is one of two highlights to this film. BRAVO!!!

- We FINALLY get a background story on Captain Christopher Pike (originally played by the late Jeffrey Hunter in both the pilot episode and the later re-worked "Menagerie". Bruce Greenwood plays Pike but while (IMO) he looks nothing like Hunter, his take on the character is spot on. Pike is every bit the top captain we have seen and read about over the years. His role throughout the film, while supporting, is important. This (IMO) is the second of two highlights to this film. EXCELLENT!

- Zachery Quinto (Spock) does a good job of taking the reigns from Leonard Nimoy but it just doesn't quite "click". This Spock is more like the pilot episode Spock in that he is subject to emotional outbursts. These outbursts however are not what you might expect. Also, Zachery character from Hero's comes to the foreground every now and again so just who is he trying to play? Still, he makes a good Spock and with a little work will easily take over.

- Sarek (played by Ben Cross) is solidly played here. Even a reasonable likeness to the late Mark Leonard. Good filler material (background) for the movie but not used as well as he could have been.

- The new Checkov and Sulu have a little work to do but they both have their moments of glory and have a promising future in the new movies.

The Bad:
- Scotty (played by Simon Pegg) is wasted in this film. Reduced to nothing more than comic relief, Pegg is not allowed to show just what he is capable of. Though this is not his fault (but the writers) it is disappointing. He tries, but he fails. Better luck in the next one Simon. Hope you have better writers. Scotty had humorous moments to be sure, but that was not his primary purpose.
- Kirk (played by Chris Pine) needs to die now and let's hope for better next time. This Kirk is nothing more than a "bad boy" who cheats his way into just about everything. His only saving grace (IMO) is when we find him in bed with a green Orion (starfleet) cadet. I was actually grateful to see Kirk get beat up on several occasions and was rooting for the bad guy(s) to kill him. Is this TREK or TREK 90210 meets TREK Dawson's Creek? A disappointment and nothing more needs to be said.

- Uhura (played by Zoe Saldana) is not bad per say but just didn't do anything in my book. Hope the writers make her more than 90210 eye candy in the next flick.

The Ugly:

- Already talked about corvettes in the future but let me add being driven by a small child who subsequently jumps out of the vette just as it is about to go over the cliff (Kirk -as a boy- of course).

- Already mentioned the silly bridge.

- Already mentioned the overused time travel plot device... yawn....

The Verdict:

It's worth a matinee showing but not a full price ticket and it certainly won't be added to my collection. My TREK died today and I'll have to console myself with the HD re-release of the classic series. This TREK is for a younger crowd.

4 out of 10.

ltstanfo said:
If you live by STAR TREK and it's accepted "canon", do not see this film. You will leave in disappointment. JJ Abrahms has completely undone all that came before and re-written Trek history from the beginning. Only the names and the places are somewhat familiar. riters make her more than 90210 eye candy in the next flick.
'4 minutes to Vulcan' -- umm that's 4 days.
Why was a tribble in a cage?
Romulans? Star Fleet didn't know of them until much later in Kirk's career.
Well, against my better judgment, I got dragged by my wife to see this movie opening day.

Like Ltstanfo, I was expecting to completely hate it... I didn't. I'm not sure I'd go as far as so say I liked it, but I certainly didn't hate it.

For background, I've been a Trek fan for a long time. My favorites were the original series, Next Gen, and occasionally DS9.

So, coming from that point of view, here were some things I noticed:
(Somewhat minor spoilers follow.....)

First and foremost, I agree with Ltstanfo; the new Kirk MUST DIE! The sooner, the better. Simply a horrible re-interpretation of this character. As presented, I wouldn't put this kid in charge of a Chuck-e-Cheese, let alone having him end up as the captain of the flagship vessel of the Federation.

Second, take your knowledge of any science and put it as far out of your mind as possible. The Enterprise being built on the ground in Iowa is the LEAST of the problems here. How about a black hole being formed somewhere inside the orbit of Saturn? Yeah, I think that might cause a bit of a problem for our solar system. Though, according to the movie, apparently not. Jumping from a moving shuttle craft, into space, entering into the atmosphere, and hitting a small platform, with only a space suit and a parachute? Doesn't seem to be so difficult, either. Owww! My head hurts, now.

Third, it seems like they could have rebooted the Trek franchise, without saying "Well, you know all these episodes and movies we've done? Yeah, none of that ever happened." I almost think they would have been better off not trying to resolve the issues at all, rather than doing that.

Now, really, though, I didn't hate the movie. At the core, it was a fairly good story. It had a lot of action, but didn't totally shit on the spirit of Trek. It managed to have a bit of an optimistic feeling (despite pain, accidents, and vengeance, the good shall overcome) without overly smearing your face in it (like some Next Gen material did).

Some of the backstory on the characters was brilliant. As mentioned, McCoy was great. It was a shame Scotty didn't get a bigger role. I thought his quick backstory was the best of the bunch. (A brilliant young engineer who got himself stationed in the middle of nowhere because he transported a Starfleet bigwig's dog into oblivion...) Too perfect.

Overall, not a bad movie. Certainly not the worst one set in the Trek universe.