Here comes Armagaddon


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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The pace stepped up in the last week and now it's beginning to look like a mad dash. Britain votes to bomb Syria and then gets right on doing it. The French, of course, are doing it (the French used to run the place). Even the Germans are getting in on the act. The US has been bombing for a while (in a way that has helped ISIS grow but that's probably because America is bad at bombing people more than that they are trying to overthrow Assad, right?) But now they seem to be ready to double down with boots, yet. At the same time Turkey invades Iraq. And Russia is setting up a couple more bases in Syria. The Americans may be setting up an airbase in Kurd controlled Syrian territory.

Meanwhile, on another front, Kiev is moving forces and equipment to the contact line with Donbass. Cease-fire violations seem to be fairly common at then moment.

And what about China? Russia is a day's drive from Syria and ISIS has a lot of trucks, but China has it's own troubles with similar groups and if Iran were to fall then China is on ISIS's list.

What Europe needs to realize is what Russia and China already know - that they are too close to this mess not to get burned by it if they can't fix it. America, on the other hand, has big oceans to protect it. But all the while Turkey is jerking Europe around.

Our overlords better smarten up quick or this could all go very wrong.
I thought you guys might be talking about this little tiff between Pakistan and India.
Yes, I've heard about that bit of chest thumping. I'm not too worried about them. Big guys will lean on them.
I'm worried about the big guys going at each other - particularly the apparent attempts to escalate Syria into a war with Russia before the new prez can take office thereby effectively locking in the conflict.
Well, a nuclear winter would help stall or halt Global Warming. Gotta think Positive.
Last nights debate - Trump says the US shouldn't be fighting Assad and ISIS at the same time - just fight ISIS. Hillary says she wants a no-fly zone - AKA war on Syria (and Russia). THAT was the only important part of the debate for me.
Last nights debate - Trump says the US shouldn't be fighting Assad and ISIS at the same time - just fight ISIS. Hillary says she wants a no-fly zone - AKA war on Syria (and Russia). THAT was the only important part of the debate for me.

I didn't watch it but I take it he isn't still thumping the tub for collective punishment?
I didn't watch it but I take it he isn't still thumping the tub for collective punishment?
I didn't see the whole thing but fullscale war on Syria (aka no-fly zone) IS collective punishment.