Media turns back on our "The leader" it helped elect


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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The honeymoon is over before the first 100 days?

Is Barack Obama Incompetent? ... etent.html
Michael Goodwin, writing for the New York Daily News, is reporting that a new word is being bandied about in whispers in Washington in relation to President Barack Obama. That word is "competence" or in Obama's case the lack thereof.

The "Incompetence Factor" is being suggested not because of the policies President Obama's espouses, but rather because of a seeming inability to grasp the day to day running of the US federal government.


Obama Continues To Set Records For Incompetence ... 312510.txt
There are growing indications that the Obama administration is melting down, unraveling and falling apart. The clearest indication is Barack Obama and his treasury secretary failing to come up with a plan to fix the bank/credit crisis. He is proposing solutions for every social problem ever identified by liberal Democrats, but doesn’t seem to be dealing with what should be his No. 1 priority. The bank fix is supposed to be announced by Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, during this week.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but the early days of the Obama administration will be remembered for his picking NCAA basketball tournament winners, appearing on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” and making fun of special needs children — while the American economy is burning.

If the public fully understood President Obama and the Obama administration, there would be endless calls for his impeachment. Of course, the U.S. Constitution does not make incompetence, radicalism, socialism, the abandonment of American values and world-class lies and hypocrisy impeachable offenses. So all of these disillusioned Americans will have to satisfy themselves with calling for his resignation.

Lifeline anyone? No? Uh-oh, the ficken New York Times is bashing Obama? Is this a sign of the end of days??

Has a ‘Katrina Moment’ Arrived? ... ef=opinion
A CHARMING visit with Jay Leno won’t fix it. A 90 percent tax on bankers’ bonuses won’t fix it. Firing Timothy Geithner won’t fix it. Unless and until Barack Obama addresses the full depth of Americans’ anger with his full arsenal of policy smarts and political gifts, his presidency and, worse, our economy will be paralyzed. It would be foolish to dismiss as hyperbole the stark warning delivered by Paulette Altmaier of Cupertino, Calif., in a letter to the editor published by The Times last week: “President Obama may not realize it yet, but his Katrina moment has arrived.”
It's that darned "liberal media" that couldn't get enough of Bush but is already moving to oust Obama.
I had a good chuckle over those articles.

I especially liked the comment about Chas Freeman being too close to the Saudis. Remember Bush's love fest with Prince Bandar?




Oh well, we KNOW the real reason Chas was canned - Steve Rosen.

But anyway, it might not be a Katrina moment that Obama is facing, but a Weimar moment.

Pretty poor Photoshop job on those pics.
redrumloa said:

Pretty poor Photoshop job on those pics.

Those? You're half right. :)







But you must have seen all this before. The liberal media must have been full of it on every front page.
Sure I saw those pics, but I chalked it up to respecting local customs. You know, like Obama did when he was in total Muslim garb?


redrumloa said:
Sure I saw those pics, but I chalked it up to respecting local customs.

Or photoshop.

So, would you say that Chas Freeman being close to the Saudis was more or less of a concern than the President being close with the Saudis?