Moving news feeds into the forums


Active Member
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
One of the features of the site that I like is the news items on the front page.

On the other hand, one of the annoying things is that any comments posted there tend to get lost.
In the past, this put me off commenting on them at all. Now that I have the ability to move these items, I'm much more likely to comment on them.

Anyway, I thought it might be nice to extend the same courtesy to the rest of the posters.
So, assuming anyone other than me pays attention to them, if you do comment on a news item, drop me a PM with a link and I'll try to move it to an appropriate forum.

This won't always work, usually won't be instant and I'll no doubt miss a few. However, it might help a little.
yes, that has annoyed me as well....although If I really felt like saying something, I have....but I also realized that no conversation would ensue.

so, thanks....I'll be using your services :thumbs up:
Anyway, I thought it might be nice to extend the same courtesy to the rest of the posters.
So, assuming anyone other than me pays attention to them, if you do comment on a news item, drop me a PM with a link and I'll try to move it to an appropriate forum.
Surely you can code up something that will automatically promote a news item to a forum once someone comments on it. :)
Surely you can code up something that will automatically promote a news item to a forum once someone comments on it. :)

I asked Wayne about auto-promoting them awhile back but I don't think there was anyway of being notified of comments, or something. Can't quite remember.

And I don't even know if there'd be enough call for such a feature to warrant the effort anyway.

Here's the thread:

As it happens, it was actually you who asked first, followed by the rest of us agreeing; maybe there would be a demand for such a feature after all. :oops:
I think all the Lindsay Lohan "news" articles should just be automatically promoted!
I've been reviewing moderation queue much less than I have in the past, so kudos to you Robert for doing it.

One suggestion to to the other mods, if you are reviewing the queue and you see something you don't feel deserves being posted, go ahead and delete it. What I'll do is approve a hand full and delete the rest. Otherwise the queue can become long with weeks old news. First moderator to jump in the queue gets to make the call :)
I've been reviewing moderation queue much less than I have in the past, so kudos to you Robert for doing it.

No need to thank me, Jim - I've hardly touched it either lately.
Must be Faethor. ;)

One suggestion to to the other mods, if you are reviewing the queue and you see something you don't feel deserves being posted, go ahead and delete it. What I'll do is approve a hand full and delete the rest. Otherwise the queue can become long with weeks old news. First moderator to jump in the queue gets to make the call :)

Sounds fair enough to me.