Next step in religious persecution?

your welcome!
Doctors Who Kill: Profiles of Lethal Medics
doctors, dentists, nurses, paramedics
I wonder if they profiled one of the worst of the lot - Mother Teresa. I could recap but it's easier as Hichens takes this on in The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice and provides to be superior to what I write. Her numbers outstrip the people in the book combined.
I don't know if it's really a case of religion being "stronger" today or just the reality that empty barrels make the most noise.

The impression I got from the response to the majority of the Republican base was of a collective WTF when they saw Palin, this is backed up by the relatively poor showing for the loonspud candidacies in the primaries too. I don't think that as a percentage the fundamentalist element is particularly big, but it is loud and it is given a lot of time by the party itself due to the number of fundie reps and senators.

My current hypothesis right now is that a lot of Republicans are actively turned off the likes of Santorum, Bachman etc, but due to the low voter turnouts (I've seen the figure of ~20% bandied about on several sites, but am not sure if that's accurate) and the unwillingness of more moderate Republicans to vote Dem on principle is what is allowing the Fundamentalists a foothold into the political arena. 20 years ago could you honestly have seen someone like Palin, or Santorum or Bachman being as close to the presidency as they got? For the most part their ilk were more or less confined to the local political sphere.

I've seen people claim this is the death throes of religions political influence. And while that would be a pleasant idea I don't want to count the chickens before they hatch.

It may well be in terms of raw numbers, it's likely too that you'll see an increase in abuse as the tide shrinks. But their numbers are irrelevant if they still have direct access to national politics, you might also consider this part of the reason they are so determined to "fix voter fraud", in order to maintain their grasp.

the corporate overlords are the real enemy here. they need to be destroyed before they destroy my country

Just be careful how you go about removing/replacing it and what you replace it with. After the French revolution, the time immediately after was called The Terror, for good reason.
Ron Reagan gave the evangelic Christians political clout in the Republican party. This has helped to push them to into the republic of Can't on personal choice. In the draft of the Republican platform they do not have exception for abortions even of rape or incest happens. This is a clear example of Christian extremism at play in politics. If this survives will be telling as to the level is power Christians have in our party and gov system
My current hypothesis right now is that a lot of Republicans are actively turned off the likes of Santorum, Bachman etc, but due to the low voter turnouts (I've seen the figure of ~20% bandied about on several sites, but am not sure if that's accurate) and the unwillingness of more moderate Republicans to vote Dem on principle is what is allowing the Fundamentalists a foothold into the political arena.

people are so busy playing politics they are letting the country go to hell in a hand basket. and they lack the imagination to come up with solutions. But most importantly, they lack the backbone to stand up with the real values of the Constitution.
Just be careful how you go about removing/replacing it and what you replace it with. After the French revolution, the time immediately after was called The Terror, for good reason.
Not interesting in replacing one stupid idea with another. I just want to encourage mom and pop businesses. THAT is the real backbone of the middle class
Ron Reagan gave the evangelic Christians political clout in the Republican party. This has helped to push them to into the republic of Can't on personal choice. In the draft of the Republican platform they do not have exception for abortions even of rape or incest happens. This is a clear example of Christian extremism at play in politics. If this survives will be telling as to the level is power Christians have in our party and gov system
Just had to interject some humor in here:
Tampa Bay Gay Prostitutes Gearing Up For Flood Of Closeted Republicans
However you are in danger of running a no true Scotsman fallacy.

The logic of the No True Scotsman fallacy, is expressed thusly:
  1. No true Scotsman wears a kilt with undergarments
  2. MacDougal wears a kilt with undergarments
  • therefore … MacDougal is "no true Scotsman"

  1. Boris Ivanoff, a big Russian fan of “Braveheart” goes to Scotland as a tourist and proclaims “I’m a Scotsman!”
  2. Ivanoff was not born in and has no ancestry to Scotland​
  • therefore Ivanoff is "no true Scotsman"
"No True Scottsman" fallacy refers to ANY instance of eliminating an object (Y) from set(X) as in example 1. But as shown in the 2nd example, the "no true Scottsman" is valid when Venn sets (X) and (Y) do not overlap!

What defines a True Scotsman?
those born, or with ancestry, in Scotland?
wears a kilt without undergarments?
eats haggis, neeps and tatties?

Scotland’s Serial Killers
I wonder if they profiled one of the worst of the lot - Mother Teresa. I could recap but it's easier as Hichens takes this on in The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice and provides to be superior to what I write. Her numbers outstrip the people in the book combined.

Most NHS doctors kill by neglect, it a "feature" of the system
Is it willful neglect or accidental? In the case of the Catholic Mother there exists man willful cases of neglect. Both are indeed bad but willful neglect is worst.
Is there a more perfect job for an atheist psychopath to have than to work in the medical field? May as well play god with the lives of others ...

I'm surprised there are any religious doctors - because extending the life of someone whom God is obviously trying to call home is "playing God". Extending life is as much "playing God" as shortening it is.

On the other hand, it seems from your link (which is currently broken) that the real danger to patients is specialists. I urge you never to see one.

As to life shortening - I know that sometimes doctors will up the morphine for those terminal patients in extreme pain, even though they know it hastens death. Is it conscionable to reduce someones suffering though it shortens life or is it more conscionable to give someone who is suffering a few more hours or days of that suffering? Tough choice but the religious seem to be OK with extending life but not reducing suffering. Suffering, more than life, is a gift from God to many religious people.
Is there a more perfect job for an atheist psychopath to have than to work in the medical field? May as well play god with the lives of others
Patient dying of thirst rang 999
You seem to not realize that psychopaths came in Christian, Islamic, Judiac and other flavors too. What you describe here is more a symptom of the psychosis. Mother Theresa's actions were not unlike that nurse you describe here. The one exception is Mother Theresa got a 'mulligan' because she claimed she prayed as hard as she could for God to intervene. MT withheld the treatment she was trained to diagnosis and give. ... This sort of religious thinking and actions are a psychosis.

Drs should be listening to the will of their patients. If the Christian Dr. is going to delay my suffering a few more days against my will because he's answering a 'higher calling' then give me an atheist Dr. so she can follow my wishes. There is no glory in prolonged suffering. If the person doesn't wish that state for themself, then we should respect their individual right of self determiniation. Especially at end of life!
I'm surprised there are any religious doctors - because extending the life of someone whom God is obviously trying to call home is "playing God". Extending life is as much "playing God" as shortening it is.

Christianity is all about having empathy for your fellow man (Sermon on the Mount)

think of Clockwork Orange as the theme of this clip

There is a psychological path from "lack of empathy" to "playing god"

A narcissistic desire for admiration combined with an ability to manipulate other people into fulfilling your desires without any empathy for others can lead to god-like ideas taking hold. Worship me or I will smite thee!
Christianity is all about having empathy for your fellow man (Sermon on the Mount)
Too bad history is littered with the bodies caused by 'empathic' Christians.

There is a psychological path from "lack of empathy" to "playing god"
Possibly. But, it's a fairly rare journey. And inserting an idea of God doesn't ensure the journey isn't taken.
Too bad history is littered with the bodies caused by 'empathic' Christians.

loss of life due to communist atheists is approximately 110 million people between 1917 and 1987.

inserting an idea of God doesn't ensure the journey isn't taken.
Doesn't prevent it any single individual, but there are benefits to society of reinforcing empathy

Of the societies that have advanced the most in the last 500 years, they have had one thing in common, Christianity. with Japan as the lone non-Christian society in the group.
Christianity is all about having empathy for your fellow man (Sermon on the Mount)
So you pick a few lines from the bible and you say "That's Christianity" but other Christians use a few different lines and so the merry games go on.
There is a psychological path from "lack of empathy" to "playing god"
God lacks empathy? The old testament makes so much more sense now.
Worship me or I will smite thee!
That shalt not have any other gods before me. Keep these commandments or suffer death.
loss of life due to communist atheists is approximately 110 million people between 1917 and 1987.

According to gods own words, he wiped out every man woman and child bar one family. Not sure what the numbers would be, but as a percentage, I don't think "communist atheists" are even in the same league as that.

In fact, if you go through the old and new testaments, looking at how he dealt with and told his followers to deal with his enemies, by modern standards he's a bit of a prick.

Then again, it's only really in this century that humanity has really been able to turn death into a production line affair. Christianity through the ages has built up a truly impressive body count through non industrial means.

What does this teach us? That humanity is innately flawed and that regardless of whether or not one has faith, massacres will still occur. The only difference I can see, is that when you inject god into the mix, it gets a damn sight harder to unfuck the system.

Also, well played for once again avoiding the issue by saying "but but but, these guys are evil too!"

Doesn't prevent it any single individual, but there are benefits to society of reinforcing empathy

Christianity, or rather, the reformation has offered the single biggest benefit to society in the form of a path toward science. Prior to which, the vast majority of power, wealth and as a result corruption, was present in the church in Europe.

Of the societies that have advanced the most in the last 500 years, they have had one thing in common, Christianity. with Japan as the lone non-Christian society in the group.

Which frankly was in spite of the church, not because of it. Consider that the Islamic empire was superior in every way to Europe until the reformation and the embracing of ideas. Islam's dominance ended not as a result of conquest (which came later), but because they fell back on religion.
think of Clockwork Orange as the theme of this clip
Went right over your head, didn't it. Think your religion and your god as the theme to this clip. The Psychopath IS God. That is the point of the video.
Science flies to the moon, religion flies into buildings
the only parts of humanity not destroyed by faith are those destroyed by science, and we have failed both in our "wielding" of them...imho