Random Funny Vid Thread

I somehow missed this wee clip at the time (or I forgot watching it)
I somehow missed this wee clip at the time (or I forgot watching it)
He was robbed. So much potential but the writers and the show runner and probaly the beeb too just wanted to "be on the right side of history", which I presume is in the past, because that's where history is.
"People who read stories while wearing women's clothing" - is a statement that almost entirely describes women.
However, I suspect the caller would actually have been thinking of men who put on women's clothing to read stories to children.
But even more specifically, men like "Little Miss Hot Mess" whose academic paper "Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood" states (a few highlights):

We are guided by the following question: what might Drag Queen Story Hour offer educators as a way of bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children?

DQSH grew from queer author Michelle Tea’s personal desire to connect her toddler with queer culture.

We emphasize that drag pedagogy resists didactic instruction and is not prescriptive. Instead, it artfully invites children into building communities that are more hospitable to queer knowledge and experience.

We focus on five interrelated themes: play as praxis, aesthetic transformation, strategic defiance, camp and its relationship to stigma, and embodied kinship. Ultimately, we suggest that drag pedagogy offers one model for learning not simply about queer lives, but how to live queerly.

Queer theory can be used to examine how often-impossible standards of normalcy are formed, not only through institutional categorizations of gender and sexuality, but also through social expectations produced through the racialized structures of capitalism that are inextricably intertwined with that hierarchy

We’re reading books while we read each other’s looks, and we’re leaving a trail of glitter that won’t ever come out of the carpet.