Random Funny Vid Thread

Bloody Finns. Don't they know that boys and girls are exactly the same and like exactly the same things? These misogynists are girlifying their girls to be girly. We should NUKE them!!!
That was on TV here for awhile. I quite liked it.

You'd be surprised how dangerous it is to work in corporate America and have any sort of individual personality or any sort of sense of humor. I have a good friend that for work travels to both Germany and at times Italy for training. He can't believe the difference office culture is there compared to here. Over there the male workers often have posters or calendars with topless women or borderline softcore porn. No one blinks an eye. Here in the US, a poster or calendar with even fully clothed attractive women would be considered sexual harassment.
Over there the male workers often have posters or calendars with topless women or borderline softcore porn. No one blinks an eye. Here in the US, a poster or calendar with even fully clothed attractive women would be considered sexual harassment.

Hmmm... in my office that probably wouldn't be considered harassment but would certainly raise an eyebrow or two.

Except for you, according to the German teacher sociology who actually wants to be teacher German.