Syria Updates


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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I've been following along for a while with the war and it's been a bit slow for a while though the liberation of Aleppo has changed things considerably and the Syrian army has developed momentum. We're at an interesting stage now with all the parties dashing for everything they can get before it's all over.
I often watch the South Front videos on YouTube for news on the progress of the war in Syria but today, between adding the latest report to my watch-later and then going back to my watch-later ten minutes later I found the video was deleted for violence violating the terms of service. South Front often intercuts semi-random war action into their reports but it's usually just firing of weapons or the big distant explosions that the main stream media likes to show - you know, "acceptable" or "family values" approved violence. I wondered what they could have shown this time to get themselves flagged since I had never seen them flagged before.

South Front has their own web site and they host videos there separately from their youtube channel so I went there to find out what the fuss was about. The video actually had fewer war clips than usual and nothing out of character with their usual TV friendly violence - but I think you might be able to tell by the link title why someone may get upset about this video.
I often watch the South Front videos on YouTube for news on the progress of the war in Syria but today, between adding the latest report to my watch-later and then going back to my watch-later ten minutes later I found the video was deleted for violence violating the terms of service. South Front often intercuts semi-random war action into their reports but it's usually just firing of weapons or the big distant explosions that the main stream media likes to show - you know, "acceptable" or "family values" approved violence. I wondered what they could have shown this time to get themselves flagged since I had never seen them flagged before.

South Front has their own web site and they host videos there separately from their youtube channel so I went there to find out what the fuss was about. The video actually had fewer war clips than usual and nothing out of character with their usual TV friendly violence - but I think you might be able to tell by the link title why someone may get upset about this video.

No idea about the credibility of that report but it wouldn't surprise me in the least and, yes, easy to see why it might ruffle some feathers.