The death of Liberalism is hilarious!

Meanwhile in Whitelandia...

Oregon Has More Food Stamp Recipients Than Public School Students

Oregon currently has 725,307 people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the program in charge of doling out food stamps, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics on food stamp enrollment.

According to the Oregon Department of Education, enrollment in the state’s K-12 public schools for the 2016-2017 school year totaled 578,947.
This is the typical Libertard in 2017.A perfect example why so many people like myself say that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Anyone left to disagree with me at this point that Liberalism is a mental disorder?

Sorry, Pajama Boy Leftists: Women Still Aren’t Attracted to Weak-Ass Beta Males


"Newsweek is flabbergasted. Despite a barrage of hate aimed at “toxic masculinity,” after years of dismantling triggering gender roles, women still flip their hair for tall, dark and handsome men with cash. Leaving skinny-jean hipsters to pine in their mothers’ basements. Consoled with nothing but trashy magazines. Looking forward to nothing but next week’s Antifa protest. Having eyes only for their lowly potted plant, which is subjected to regular abuse.


On the flip side, women with hormones operating at primal levels do not find the limp-wristed beta male — of the pajama (or Antifa) boy variety — to be worthy of her commitment. Lady folk prefer a virile man who can, in modern terms, run down prey to feed her family. Which she cannot do if she’s nursing and caring for babies. In 2017, this is a man with a good job/career. Who, as Newsweek points out in astonished surprise, wears a power suit and tasteful watch. Not to be confused with wrinkled t-shirts pulled from the hamper. Or a yard-sale Timex.

Yes, that’s why women like men of wealth. Women finding men with means attractive is just as natural as a man finding a woman with assets desirable. We roll our eyes at fat pride feminists whining about “piggish” men liking small waists and big boobs. So too do women roll their eyes at pudge boy box-office seat-warmers whining about hot (but “shallow”) women drawn to lawyers.

What draws a man to a woman and a woman to a man, on a primal level, is how to successfully perpetuate the species. What each sex finds attractive in the other is, at its most basic, about making and raising babies. Factoring zero into our attraction is how Newsweek judges our natural preferences. Or what a Reddit meme says about how you accept yourself for the beautiful thing you are. Et cetera.

Biological gender engineering via militant leftism has failed. For years the left has tried shaming men (and women) into expanding their beauty definitions. To embrace and love all of their flaws. To settle for what they have, not to strive for anything better. Even if personal betterment takes the form of improved health, or pursing a valuable career. Not to be confused with gender studies.
Stats Show Leftists Are More Likely To Be Mentally Ill. No Surprise There…

Political conservatism has been associated with dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty, a personal need to achieve order, desire for structure and closure, integrative complexity, and fear of threat or loss. It has also been suggested that conservatism should be associated with high levels of anxiety, a major component of the personality trait Neuroticism. Intriguingly, the empirical link between ideology and Neuroticism suggests the relationship is actually between certain facets of liberalism and Neuroticism.

On the graph below, we see the major depression breakdown for the Very Conservative (VC), Conservative (C), Liberal (L), and Very Liberal (VL) cohorts.


Below, we see the rates of bipolar depression among our political cohorts. Again, we see elevations in the Very Liberals and Liberals, especially the females. Out of the 50 Very Conservative females that responded to our survey, none reported bipolar depression.


Well, there you have it…

Liberalism is a mental disorder, literally.

Trump defended and called woke by Trevor Noah.

73 year old Roger Waters' career is ending early, is it?
And all because he calls out a scumbag when he sees one?
This is something he's been doing for decades (including every concert I've ever seen him at and I've been to several).

Perhaps you should get in touch with Roger and tell him his career is ending early because of this long-established behaviour.

On the other hand and far more likely, perhaps his career isn't ending at all and certainly not because a couple of ignorant* fans booed him at a concert.

Roger Waters' career won't end until he either retires of his own accord or dies.

Your good buddy and hero Roger Waters is facing some headwinds.

Roger Waters' German Broadcasts Dropped Over Anti-Semitism Accusations

Germany’s ARD network have scrapped plans to broadcast two of Roger Watersupcoming shows in Berlin and Cologne.

The Guardian report that five state TV and radio affiliates of the network have made the decision not to air next summer’s shows “in reaction to antisemitism accusations against him” which stem from the former Pink Floyd man’s involvement with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Waters has long spoken out against artists who play in Israel, with the BDS calling for a cultural boycott of the country and was set up to “end Israel's occupation, racial discrimination and denial of basic Palestinian rights.”

RBB, part of the ARD network, reports that it wanted to send a message to other artists who refuse to perform in Israel due to the BDS.

President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster says: “The quick and decisive reaction by the broadcasters is an important signal that rampant antisemitism against Israel has no place in Germany.”
Your good buddy and hero Roger Waters is facing some headwinds.

Neither buddy nor hero and I doubt he'll lose much sleep over this but at least you got to top up your misplaced schadenfreude so I guess that's something.
Your good buddy and hero Roger Waters is facing some headwinds.
Pointing out that Israel illegally occupies Palestinian territory (which is an almost universally known fact outside of the USA) is antisemitic? That is chutzpah. And how can one be antisemitic towards a country? Reminds me of how Goldman Sachs accused Matt Taibi of being antisemitic for blaming them for their part in the collapse of 2008.
Is this kind of abuse of language (and guilt) that now has us wallowing in the swamp of islamophobia and rape apology for criticising certain ideologies.