Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

Could be worse; he could have a laptop full of sleaze.
Ultra-MAGA Rep. Lauren Boebert’s son victimized a toddler, a senior citizen, and four others during a recent crime spree, according to a police incident summary obtained by The Daily Beast.

New dad Tyler Boebert was arrested Tuesday and now faces 22 charges stemming from a string of alleged thefts and vehicle break-ins in Rifle, Colorado. He was taken into custody at around 2:30 p.m. the Rifle PD said in a statement. The town of 10,000 sits in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, which Tyler’s mom currently represents.
Could be worse; he could have a laptop full of sleaze.
Laptop full of sleaze and evidence of criminal conspiracy and racketeering that implicates a president with national security implications but is suppressed by FBI interference and the cooperation of media and tech giants.

But that police incident summary does look interesting. Four suspect (two male, two female) between 16 and 18 - but look at the items:
criminal possession of financial device (??? and just one between them - a credit card maybe ???)
Criminal Possession ID Docs - multiple victims
Conspiracy to commit
Theft less than $300

Sounds like him and his buddy and their girlfriends broke into a car and were picked up with fake ids and a stolen credit card. I would love to hear the details.

It's bad but does not begin to compare to laptop boy.
Watch the raw video and tell me with a straight face this is not what happened. Anyone who's ever been around a toddler knows the pose and the facial expression. He poops himself, his wife rushes him off the stage without him greeting a single WW2 vet.

Biden Appears To POOP HIMSELF At D-Day Ceremony, Biden Age Becomes TOP POLLING Issue Among Voters

I have watched the extended clip and maybe he has shat himself, after all he's a very old man who should be nowhere near the presidency.
Having said that, the clip you posted is very misleading, I'd say deliberately so (not by you but by the youTuber). In the full clip he sits in a chair directly after what you see here, so it's pretty obvious what he's doing is trying to sit down. Why cut that out unless you aim to deceive?
Without that deliberate(?) edit it changes the context dramatically from "looks like he shat himself" to "looks like he struggles with sitting down".
Still bad but not scatological so where's the fun in that? Projection?

Here's the end of the clip for context.
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I have watched the extended clip and maybe he has shat himself, after all he's a very old man who should be nowhere near the presidency.
Having said that, the clip you posted is very misleading, I'd say deliberately so (not by you but by the youTuber). In the full clip he sits in a chair directly after what you see here, so it's pretty obvious what he's doing is trying to sit down. Why cut that out unless you aim to deceive?
Without that deliberate(?) edit it changes the context dramatically from "looks like he shat himself" to "looks like he struggles with sitting down".
Still bad but not scatological so where's the fun in that?

Here's the end of the clip for context.

I still think he's pooping himself even after seeing the full clip. The alternative like you mention would be far worse IMO. An elderly man who completely loses his spatial awareness, where he is and why. Even seeing the longer clip, he still leaves the stage without greeting any vets who I must point out are significantly older than himself. Those vets are old enough to be Joe's father! Joe is escorted off by his wife, leaving Macron alone to great the vets in attendance.

I suppose it's anyone guess which of the scenarios are true. Did Joe poop himself and Jill took him to be cleaned, or did he slip into a dementia related episode and have to be removed from cameras? I'd rather incontinence of an elderly person over full blown dementia for a supposed "president".
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I still think he's pooping himself even after seeing the full clip.
No concern as to the intent of cutting the video though?
Even seeing the longer clip, he still leaves the stage without greeting any vets
Again, I fear you've been misled by dodgy editing. Watch the clip in the reply Tweet.

The thing that gets me about all this propaganda and made up rubbish is that there's plenty to criticise Biden for without lying and deliberately editing videos to make him look even worse.
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Watch the clip in the reply Tweet.

The thing that gets me about all this propaganda and made up rubbish is that there's plenty to criticise Biden for without lying and deliberately editing videos to make him look even worse.

Finding unedited full length videos is difficult. Here's a full video from CBS that completely leaves out Joe either pooping (or losing spatial awareness), no accident there. After his speech and the flyover he rushes off the stage. He does shake hands with 5 WW2 vets and one extra man on his way out, that is correct, but only 5 while Macron sticks around to seemingly visit them all.

Finding unedited full length videos is difficult. Here's a full video from CBS that completely leaves out Joe either pooping (or losing spatial awareness), no accident there. After his speech and the flyover he rushes off the stage. He does shake hands with 5 WW2 vets and one extra man on his way out, that is correct, but only 5 while Macron sticks around to seemingly visit them all.

So that's the point; both the issues you highlighted were deliberate deceptions and the propaganda worked a treat as it annoyed you enough for you to share it.
Issue 1: Clip shows he shat himself - reality: clip deliberately edited to make it look like he shat himself.
Issue 2: Clip shows he leaves without greeting any vets - reality: clip deliberately edited to make it look like he leaves without greeting any vets.

That you're still annoyed about *sort of* the same issues, even after acknowledging the deception, only emphasises how well the propaganda works.
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So that's the point; both the issues you highlighted were deliberate deceptions and the propaganda worked a treat as it annoyed you enough for you to share it.
Issue 1: Clip shows he shat himself - reality: clip deliberately edited to make it look like he shat himself.
Issue 2: Clip shows he leaves without greeting any vets - reality: clip deliberately edited to make it look like he leaves without greeting any vets.

That you're still annoyed about *sort of* the same issues, even after acknowledging the deception, only emphasises how well the propaganda works.

Issue 1: I still think he crapped himself. The full video doesn't change this. As mentioned, the alternative is even worse in my opinion.
Issue 2: Your "gotcha" moment. You can count on one hand the WW2 vets he actually greeted on his rushed escorted exit. Take your victory lap.

I think its rich you are grandstanding about how propaganda works when you have not admitted to falling for any of it over decades.
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I think its rich you are grandstanding about how propaganda works when you have not admitted to falling for any of it over decades.
We all fall for propaganda. I've never claimed to be immune and I'm certainly not grandstanding.
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Trump doing too much coke? Watch the video and tell me with a straight face this is not what happened. Anyone who's ever been around a cokehead knows the pose, the facial expression, and the disjointed, barely coherent rambling. :p
More seriously, I've no idea what he does that makes him sound so unhinged. Maybe he's just soberly unhinged all the time these days.
Witch hunt! Clearly political! Kangaroo court! Biden has used the deep state to corrupt the courts again! Corrupt judge, terrible jury! Etc, etc, etc.

Hunter Biden is first sitting US president's son to be convicted of crime

You seem to miss the part where they tried quietly giving him blanket immunity for all past and future crimes. This will be the next best thing, let crackhead Hunter take the fall and "The Big Guy" is not looked at. I guess you missed the part where the laptop exposed "The Big Guy". It also covers up all the p3do activity of both exposed by the laptop.