You are all sheeple!


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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I got your attention? Good, now watch this.

So much for Obama promising to pay your gas and mortgage.

meh.... baaaaaaa!


(don't know if you'll recognise this one but, given your previous predilections, it's an album you may have come across. ;-))
bunch of cowboys are sitting around a campfire talking about the isolation of being a of the younger ones, a new hire, asks the others what they did to relieve the pressure while they were out on the range. one of the older cowboys says that they grab one of the sheep and go back in the bushes, take care of business, and be done with it. the younger cowboy is sure he's being tricked but now all the elders are nodding and acquiescing to the idea. so the younger cowboy decides to do it. and he snatches up one of the sheep and heads off to the bushes. ten minutes later he returns to find all of the old cowboys laughing and pointing towards him. sure he has been tricked he proclaims, "i only did that because you guys told me you did!". "and we do" replied one of the elders. "then why are you all laughing at me?".... "ewe picked the ugliest one!" came the reply
Red, all this non-stop emotion expressed against Obama can only mean one thing: You're having a hard time suppressing your own deep rooted desire to vote for the man. We all know, it's become painfully obvious, you can't deny it any longer. We understand that your April 1st post was really just an attempt to test the waters. It's ok Red, you can do it. We'll support you. Cecilia might even give you a hug! Come out and let the Hope and Change sooth your soul!
a hug!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'll have to think about that! :eek:
Red, all this non-stop emotion expressed against Obama can only mean one thing: You're having a hard time suppressing your own deep rooted desire to vote for the man. We all know, it's become painfully obvious, you can't deny it any longer. We understand that your April 1st post was really just an attempt to test the waters. It's ok Red, you can do it. We'll support you. Cecilia might even give you a hug! Come out and let the Hope and Change sooth your soul!

There is a perk for voting for Obama, what is about to happen will have Obama's fingerprints and no one else's. Even the media will not be able to spin this for their Marxist agenda, it'll be that bad.


April 3rd, 2016:
Even if you had obfuscated the original page link google can find this stuff easily now. :)

I wasn't trying to be cryptic. :p
All this sheep chat reminded me of the album sleeve and I thought Robert might know it.

And then when you find it you can listen to it.
(ah - there's a nice little bit of Acker Bilk in that - think I'll go listen to that next).

I love the Acker Bilk bits. And the Fleetwood Mac bits. And the Elvis bits. And when I took a train to New York a few years back, the train noises reminded me of that album. It's an absolute classic and it gave it's name to an entire genre.

Unfortunately my copy is now so scratchy (after years of being rolled out during the dying embers of parties, usually by people who don't handle records with too much care) that it ruins the feel.
One of the few that I probably should have bought on CD before they deleted it.