You can't trust the Daily Mail


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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They're saying that right wingers are less intelligent.

Now, we've been down this road before around here - and some lefties have argued that this just shows how important education is but apparently, you can't educate the racist out of a dumbass.
Crucially, people's educational level is not what determines whether they are racist or not - it's innate intelligence, according to the academics.

Now, if you'd like to see the article that the Daily Mail is referring to rather than just see what the Daily Mail says about it, the full text is available online and a pdf is also available.

Of course, what you think about this study depends on what side of the socio-political spectrum you like to colour yourself. This is probably all just down to nerdy academics who aren't doing so well in the bedroom, after all.
If Only there was a minimum IQ requirement for citizenship
Quite amusing that such an article would be in the Daily Mail, widely regarded as the most ill-informed, bigoted excuse for a newspaper in the UK.

And you're right - you can't trust it, so thanks for linking the original source.
The thread title is not news ;)

They're saying that right wingers are less intelligent.

Now, we've been down this road before around here - and some lefties have argued that this just shows how important education is but apparently, you can't educate the racist out of a dumbass.

Wow, way to alienate their main readership. It's OK though, they'd be too stupid to realise :lol:
What qualifies as a right winger in the UK? Anyone who is not a Chav or Ned?

I'm not entirely sure our definitions of right-wing are the same as those in the US. Over here, the "far-right" is associated with nationalism. Which in turn ends up being an umbrella for those with xenophic / racist tendencies, legitimised under the guise of being patriotic and traditional. They probably stared off the same but the differentiation between conservatism and liberalism here is along a slightly different axis than simply right-left.
What qualifies as a right winger in the UK? Anyone who is not a Chav or Ned?

Ironically large numbers of both of those groups often fall within the category of far right nationalist.

Examples of the far right include the BNP, Combat 18, National Front, UKIP. More mainstream right wing include the Conservative Party and New Labour. Anyone who believes that marketising everything makes things better (in the USA I believe you describe such thinking as MBA style thinking)... Some of the Liberal Democrats could also be described as right wing.

Note, there is a lot more movement between the polls of anarchism and totalitarianism within the parties and even within the parties then you generally see with US politics.