Ugh.. sorry..


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Needed to update the theme to 1.04's version to correct a couple of issues. Seems it erased our color scheme. Should have it fixed ASAP. Please bear with us.

you mean that blue line thingy??
I kinda like that :D
It's about as close as it's going to get. Didn't realize the update script threw out the colors, so of course, didn't have a copy of them handy. Should be hopefully close now.
/me is red-green colourblind so it all looks normal still :drumroll:
I can't tell the difference TBH. While we're on the subject of themes, any chance we can have mobile support? This Xenforo theme works really well on Safari on my iPad, but it's very slow on my iPhone 4, even over WiFi. I think it's all the translucent overlays and hidden popup windows.

There's this mobile theme:
and this plugin for the ForumRunner iOS app:

(Sorry, the link button doesn't appear in iOS and I don't know the tag syntax for this forum yet)
/me is red-green colourblind so it all looks normal still :drumroll:

I heard it's linked with a pathological phobia of interior designers, lust for world dominance, a fascination with nuclear fusion and a sporadic laugh that ends in a coughing fit...
I heard it's linked with a pathological phobia of interior designers, lust for world dominance, a fascination with nuclear fusion and a sporadic laugh that ends in a coughing fit...

Yes, I've heard that too, although I've not experienced and of the sympt...muahahahahahahaha...*cough* *cough*...excuse me...