Hear endeth the Jeb Bush campaign


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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May it rest in peace. We don't need to watch this dead horse get beat any longer.
No worky here.
Has he retired from the race?
@ Robert

He is still running.


I am aware that pretty much every late night talk show host under the sun has made of the fun of the clip by now, but I really do not see why this particular one strung a cord. Not every crowd is going to be great when you run for office. Big deal. In fact, I found what he said more surprising than a lack of clapping. I am just afraid he may not have been aware that his comment did not merely apply to Donald Trump but to his very own brother as well.
I am aware that pretty much every late night talk show host under the sun has made of the fun of the clip by now, ...

And that's how campaigns end. He may not actually have pulled out but he has effectively killed his campaign. You can't be presidential if you have to beg your (specially selected) audience for applause. He blew the punchline on his monologue and didn't have anywhere to go. A more feisty orator could have ad libbed afterwards to draw the applause but saying "please clap" is giving up. He is way behind and really needs a slew of "knock it out of the park" inspirational zingers but instead he waves the white flag. His heart's not in it.
And that's how campaigns end. He may not actually have pulled out but he has effectively killed his campaign. You can't be presidential if you have to beg your (specially selected) audience for applause. He blew the punchline on his monologue and didn't have anywhere to go. A more feisty orator could have ad libbed afterwards to draw the applause but saying "please clap" is giving up. He is way behind and really needs a slew of "knock it out of the park" inspirational zingers but instead he waves the white flag. His heart's not in it.
I have seen far more videos of his brother making mistakes on the campaign trail who, as we all know, was elected president. In 2008, McCain was in fifth place in the Iowa caucus. As you will remember, he still became the Republican presidential candidate that year.

I do agree that he appears to be in a tough spot but I also think, if history is any indication, it is too early to call him a failed candidate just yet.