"Diwali" but not Thanksgiving, Christmas, or even Halloween?


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
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God help me, I may be on the verge of being "offended"...

Last week, I asked our Assistant staff at work (who normally handle our event planning) if we were planning anything for Halloween (which we have celebrated at work since I started here). I was told that "we aren't doing Halloween because it might offend people because it was a Pagan holiday"...

I then asked, and received similar answers regarding Thanksgiving and then Christmas...

Today at work, they held a "Diwali" luncheon, which is a Hindu celebration/festival of lights thing....

Why is it ok to have "Diwali" and it be deemed perfectly fine, but not to celebrate traditional American holidays? Did I really suddenly leave America without noticing?

Why is it ok to have "Diwali" and it be deemed perfectly fine, but not to celebrate traditional American holidays? Did I really suddenly leave America without noticing?

Why is Hinduism not considered pagan?
No Halloween?? No Trick or Treating?
that's become an American secular Holiday that has spread to many other countries
Halloween has the second most Holiday sales volume after Christmas in the US

It started out as All Saints day, ( All Hallows' Eve ) the day to spend with your relatives in the cemetery. Celebrated in Mexico as "Day of the Dead"
the North American Christian celebration is Nov 2, All Souls Day
It started out as All Saints day, ( All Hallows' Eve )
Oh, it goes much further back than that - long before the Holy Roman Church rebranded it to be more Christian. Never really worked that well. Less well even than making Easter about Jesus.
They should also ban St Patrick's Day. It offends Irish people.