1984 was not written as a "how to" manual

'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'

In Heavy-Handed Purge Of Nazi Videos, YouTube Is Deleting WWII Educational Videos Too

A report by The Guardian interviewed several British history teachers who had seen their video channels featuring archival films from the WWII period deleted, and attempts to upload new content blocked. AsThe Guardian noted, in previous generations, teachers would often show VHS tapes in their classrooms, but most now rely on online content like YouTube for supplemental material.

Scott Allsop, a teacher at an international school in Romania, had his entire YouTube channel with hundreds of clips on European history from the Norman conquest to the Cold War taken down. Many of the clips were originally featured in BBC documentaries that are no longer easily available, and original archival videos of speeches by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and other well-known Nazi officials.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, sent Allsop an automated email saying his channel had been deleted because it included “content that promotes hatred or violence against members of a protected group.”

“It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” Allsop told The Guardian. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”
“It’s absolutely vital that YouTube work to undo the damage caused by their indiscriminate implementation as soon as possible,” Allsop told The Guardian. “Access to important material is being denied wholesale as many other channels are left branded as promoting hate when they do nothing of the sort.”
The memory hole is hungry. Can't have footage of real Nazis - when we call people Nazis we don't want it to be possible for people to compare.
Australia is having to import wheat these days because the conditions for growing it there are deteriorating and extra CO2 is not helping the situation enough to compensate for the fact that the climate is changing such that the best growing climate is moving off shore!

Wheat is a C3 plant, its optimum C02 level for growth is above 850ppm

You can't make this shit up. "Resist" is the term TDS window lickers have been using against the president. Now with 2020 election looming, Disney has gone full SJW with Star Wars. Their new Star Wars land has opened, and new merch is being rolled out. Can you guess what kind of merch?


Still think GMOs and vaccines etc are not dumbing down the population? Then explain to me what is. Something is.
Still think GMOs and vaccines etc are not dumbing down the population? Then explain to me what is. Something is.
Info Wars, Red State, WND, Vox, Twitter, PR companies, intersectionalists, various religious groups. Rising CO2 doesn't help.
Still think GMOs and vaccines etc are not dumbing down the population? Then explain to me what is. Something is.
Info Wars, Red State, WND, Vox, Twitter, PR companies, intersectionalists, various religious groups.

I think there is a lot to that part. And it is not just those fringe and obviously slanted sources. I'd say Fox News, CNN, and the other information behemoths do their part to dumb down everyone, too. Critical thinking takes a lot of mental energy. For better or worse, it used to be that there were a very limited number of news sources, and they were heavily vetted. Thus, most everyone got the same reasonably sensible information, and that was that. Sure, there were problems there, but the news sources were trusted. And, since there were so few of them, they were loathe to do anything to break that trust. I'm not saying that was ideal. But, overall, it was more efficient at distributing approved information, and shaping consensus than what we have now. And it was against that type of background that our trust in a free press was founded.

Now, there are more news sources than anyone can even keep track of on a daily basis, let alone actually read or vet. And trust is granted by a popularity contest, rather than from an honest assessment of the quality of reporting. Factual content doesn't really matter. Popularity is king.

Sure, there may be some facts mixed in there, somewhere. But they are secondary to what can drive popularity.

So, if you actually are one of the few people who are concerned about things like facts, you have to read all the multiple and conflicting sources. And then you usually have to carefully paint out what isn't being said, and work backwards to find the pieces of truly relevant information that no one wants to talk about. It's quite a bit of work. Most people don't really care enough to do that. Hell, except for a couple topics, I usually don't care enough to do that, either.

In the face of this problem, people usually just pick a popular source that once said something they agreed with, and then just parrot everything from that source, without ever really considering the sanity of what they're saying. Who needs to think about it? They once said something I agreed with, so there is at least one fact. And they're really popular, therefore everything else must all be ok, too. Or else it wouldn't be so popular, would it?
Still think GMOs and vaccines etc are not dumbing down the population? Then explain to me what is. Something is.

GMO's and vaccines make the population smarter, well fed, and healthier
It's anti-colonialism, anti-white, SWJ 57 genders, we must return to our Bantu heritage and not be subjected to White mans colonial physics that is making the population dumber
aka Frankfort school socialist theory
Hey old man. You're going to be dead sooner than they will (if all goes well) and they'll have to live on this planet (there are no others we know of that we can get to that will serve us better) and you'll be leaving - and if you are planning to use up their inheritance (or ability to live in a world that can sustain them) before you go then they probably have a right to get a bit shirty. If you are going to act like all that's important is that you get to burn as much oil and coal as you like so you can drive big things and live a life of waste and indulgence then why would you expect sympathy. If you don't want to do that then stop talking the way you do because it surely makes you look like a selfish old codger that is unwilling to take responsibility.

What is wrong with increasing efficiency?
What is wrong with developing alternative energy sources?

If we chose to use up all of the fossil fuel sources without preparing to move off of them in a huge way right now then
a) we will not have the energy to do that transition when the time comes and
b) if it turns out that we are damaging the climate we won't have any energy sources (including possibly food) to muster the means to do anything about it.
Hey old man. You're going to be dead sooner than they will (if all goes well) and they'll have to live on this planet (there are no others we know of that we can get to that will serve us better) and you'll be leaving - and if you are planning to use up their inheritance (or ability to live in a world that can sustain them) before you go then they probably have a right to get a bit shirty. If you are going to act like all that's important is that you get to burn as much oil and coal as you like so you can drive big things and live a life of waste and indulgence then why would you expect sympathy. If you don't want to do that then stop talking the way you do because it surely makes you look like a selfish old codger that is unwilling to take responsibility.

What is wrong with increasing efficiency?
What is wrong with developing alternative energy sources?

If we chose to use up all of the fossil fuel sources without preparing to move off of them in a huge way right now then
a) we will not have the energy to do that transition when the time comes and
b) if it turns out that we are damaging the climate we won't have any energy sources (including possibly food) to muster the means to do anything about it.

I could argue point to point, but this is the wrong thread for it. The point here, like I stated, is you have children force indoctrinated into a belief system by the government. Children are forced by law to go to schools, almost always public schools which are government run. They are then forced to comply with a specific belief system. They are not allowed to think for themselves and form their own opinion, they can only follow the state sanctioned opinion or else.

If you cannot see the problem with this, you are part of the problem.