2012 on the horizon?

Wayne said:
Three weeks, three major Earthquakes. Anyone else want to rethink the idea of coincidence?
Suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation. No point in looking for one either; it's all part of the cosmic unconsciousness.
Thanks Metalman

As the continential mass apart and back together the rotation of the earth has to change. Perhaps even the location of the magnetic pole.

With the recent Chilean superquake one scientist concluded the length of the day has become shorter by a billionth of a second. Unfortunately, our sensors only only good to about 20 billionth of a second, 20 times larger, so there's no way to emperically verify this.
Earthquake activity has been elevated around the Pacific since the big Chile quake.
Live quake map
(obviously, if you are not looking at the map on the 13, Mar, 2010 then you will not be seeing what I saw :) )

Here is a very short video involving work being done on the studies of stress and earthquake triggers.

quake movie