3D technology aka screw you Moore's Law

Blu-ray has a 50GB capacity. Anyone wanna guess what a 64GB MicroSD card goes for? Anyone ever seen one? The 32GB's start at around CND$50. That's quite a bit for just the medium.

That's if they went for SD and flash. Like I was saying there were some nice high density cheapo write once technologies that were getting worked on a decade ago - but nobody wanted write once memories - not even for firmware because everyone likes to say that the firmware is upgradable even if they never actually get around to rewriting it. Movies would have been great though.

Although to be honest, I expect the future to be digital download only

Which is what torrents are all about and that's what the entertainment industry was all freaked out about. But if they had gone super high fidelity on a cheap chip the download times would have been annoyingly long. However, the pipe to the door is getting faster all the time. In the end they'd lose that game.

In the end all Hollywood will have going for it is the 60 foot screen - and that's probably the way it should be.
I don't see how this "screws" Moore's observation. It merely changes the gradient of the curve. Instead of being linked to the available area of the die for a given process size, we'll just get a few factors increase by adding additional layers.

At some point, there'll be a limit to the number of layers that are practical and I doubt it will be anything like comparable with the die area since the layers in the middle are going to be tough to keep cool.