a Sacred day in Numerology!


Active Member
Mar 31, 2005
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Spirit Guides communicate number sequences in many ways. One way is that they will gently draw your attention toward a certain direction so that you'll look up or turn around in time to notice the clock's time or a phone number on a billboard. Your Spirit Guides will continue to show you a sign until you take notice

Another way in which Spirit Guides show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number the guide wants you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of number sequences. Your Spirit Guides can provide guidance, advice and answers to any question you may ask, however important or mundane.

If you continually close your mind to the guidance of your Spirit Guides, they will stop trying.
Over here that would be 13/12/14.
But what about that important 1/5/15 surly the world will end.

Psst Numerologists - dates and times are random associations by humans for convenience the universe knows nothing about them whatsoever.
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