I did once (about 15 years ago) hook up two A1200s to get more OctaMED channels via null modem cable.
I also used to control OSS from digital Multitrackers via MIDI, which was cool for synchronisation. As soon as you hit 'record' on the multitracker, OSS would start and, in turn, autostart the outboard gear. That consisted of various keyboards, synthesisers, sound modules and drum machines, most of which I've since sold.
Pity I never took any photos of that old set up, it was pretty mad looking, with MIDI and audio leads running everywhere.
When I first got my Pegasos going, Alfred Faust made me a lovely MIDI interface (which also works perfectly on my A1). I initially used it with Bars and Pipes. Audio was recorded in Pro station Audio.
When I got my A1, I tried Audio Evolution but found it a little limited. No MIDI being the main issue.
Not long after this, Thilo got HD-rec to a stage where it surpassed all the other Amiga audio software I had, in terms of an all-in-one, Digital Audio Workstation. The only limitation on his demos were track counts and recording time limited to 45 minutes per track (plenty for most purposes).
I helped him bug check it for OS4 and MorphOS for awhile and was constantly pestering him to let me buy a full copy.
However, he was one programmer, working on an immense piece of software and he never released in commercially.
I started drifting towards Logic on the Mac.
HD-rec is now open source and would probably run beautifully on your set up. you should check it out:
You can control all your MIDI gear with it, and it has a couple of built in software instruments, some effects (stonking tunnel reverb
) as well as allowing you to record audio. I think you can even set OctaMED, via Maestrix, to output it's audio to an HD-Rec audio track.