An NFL boycott is looming

Budweiser is accidentally political in Super Bowl ad

Accidental my ass! But hey, that link is to CNN, the king of fake news.
84 Lumber produced a SuperBowl ad showing Mexican migrants and even wall only to have it banned by the P.C. Nazis over at Fox Sports for being "too political".

Yet, you choose to complain instead about an ad depicting the journey of a German migrant who legally entered the United States at a young age and became a successful entrepreneur, which ironically mirrors the history of Trump's own grandfather Frederick.

I guess this happens when your main source of news is the Twitter account of certain elitist alcohol-hating Supreme Leaders, who do not even have overindulging in domestic beer as an excuse for once again missing the forest for all the trees.

That said, "#BoycottBudweiser" is still a good effort because the people sharing this hashtag on Twitter clearly do not have any brain cells to spare.
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Audi: The Car for the Unhappy Woman
A Super Bowl ad offends against the truth.

Here is the text of the Audi Super Bowl ad, delivered by a male voice in grave tones:

“What do I tell my daughter? “Do I tell her that her grandpa is worth more than her grandma?

“That her dad is worth more than her mom?

“Do I tell her that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?

“Or maybe . . . I’ll be able to tell her something different.”

If there was ever a more mendacious or socially destructive ad on television, let alone during the Super Bowl, I am unaware of it.

As a believer in the free market and the free exchange of ideas, I have rarely advocated or participated in a boycott of a company for the political positions of its owners or directors. That’s why I eat Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, despite the fact that I have opposed every left-wing political and social position Ben and Jerry have ever advocated. It’s a free country. And I want to keep it free.

But Audi crossed a line. They should pay an appropriate price.

First, we need to stop the politicization of everything in America. We need to be able to watch sports, for example, without left-wing propaganda intruding. I would feel the same about right-wing propaganda, but the Right believes in allowing people to enjoy life without injecting politics wherever possible.

Second, the ad sent the false and debilitating message to every girl that being born in America is to be born oppressed and persecuted: “I am a woman, therefore I am a victim.”

In the words of the ad, “she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets.” It is hard to imagine a worse message to give a child. I devote an entire chapter in my book on happiness (Happiness Is a Serious Problem) to victimhood, because regarding oneself as a victim makes happiness impossible. Which is a big reason many feminists are unhappy human beings.

Third, the Audi ad sent a false and destructive view of America — as a country in which Grandpa is worth more than Grandma, and Dad is worth more than Mom. It is an accusation that is so false as to constitute a libel of American society.

Fourth, the Audi ad equates worth with income. There is no other explanation for Grandpa and Dad being “worth more” than Grandma and Mom. This view is in keeping with the materialist view of life that has permeated the Left since Karl Marx. On the left, the human being is an economic being. Period. Our worth is determined by our material state. If you get a check, you have worth; no check, no worth — yet another destructive message sent by this ad to the young people watching the Super Bowl.

Fifth, even from just a materialistic perspective, the ad is based on a lie. Women do not make less than men for the same work. And wage differences based on gender have been illegal for over 50 years. This fraudulent claim has been debunked so often — for a powerful five-minute video on the subject, see “The Myth of the Gender Wage Gap” (2.3 million views), presented by Christina Hoff Sommers at — that it is utterly irresponsible to keep repeating it. Using common sense alone, why would any employers hire a man if they can hire a woman to do the exact same work for 25 percent less?

Sixth, if Audi is not financially hurt as a result of this ad, be prepared to have next year’s Super Bowl feature more left-wing ads.

I have long lamented the fact that while America is engaged in a culture war (now a Civil War, as I wrote last month), it is a war in which only one side seems to be doing almost all of the fighting. The November election suggests this might finally be changing. The Audi ad will serve as an excellent test case of whether conservatives are prepared to press the fight.

Don’t buy an Audi. And let them know why. Tell them you and America value your mother and grandmother every bit as much as you and America value your father and grandfather. And that you value truth more than an Audi.
84 Lumber produced a SuperBowl ad showing Mexican migrants and even wall only to have it banned by the P.C. Nazis over at Fox Sports for being "too political".

The amount of backpedaling from 84 Lumber is breathtaking. I guess they found out really quick that the vast majority of construction companies aren't owned by George Soros, nor are they owned by limousine liberals. Oops.

After Super Bowl Ad Flap, 84 Lumber CEO Says She Backs Trump and Border Wall

In response to Marlow’s saying it usually does not make news if conservative backlash damages a company’s bottom line, Carney said, “It hasn’t been traditionally. But I think when you see advertisements as extreme as what we saw with 84 Lumber, the longer version, which is on YouTube, which the NFL actually turned down to show on-air because it was too political – but they still insisted on making it available … I think this is saying, much like Kellogg but not just about Breitbart, about America, about people who voted for Donald Trump, about the country as a whole.”

Added Carney, “84 Lumber is saying we don’t share your values. And I think Americans are going to look at that.”

As the controversy grew, 84 Lumber CEO Maggie Hardy Magerko appeared to walk back any perceived opposition to a border wall and President Trump. She said the ad “was not meant to be pro-immigration or a political statement at all” and that she is “a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump,” who thinks a border wall “is a need.”
Is the NFL really stupid enough to mess with Texas?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: NFL 'walking on thin ice' by wading into politics

Said Abbott on Tuesday: "For some low-level NFL adviser to come out and say that they are going to micromanage and try to dictate to the state of Texas what types of policies we're going to pass in our state, that's unacceptable.

"We don't care what the NFL thinks and certainly what their political policies are because they are not a political arm of the state of Texas or the United States of America. They need to learn their place in the United States, which is to govern football, not politics."

The NFL is committing suicide. A league known as the NFL (No Fun League) strangely is ignoring one single policy.

Gee, why would they ignore this and only this policy? Despite the fact more than 65% of their customers think this "protest" is highly disrespectful, at best? Where are they making up lost revenue? Soros?

NFL Backlash: ‘Sunday Night Football’ Hit With Season-Low Ratings

You would think that this firestorm would have resulted in record ratings for Sunday Night Football, or at least a ratings boost. Unfortunately for the anti-American NFL, the exact opposite proved true with an 8 percent drop in viewership, compared to last week. This is a new season low.

Compared to this time last year, the ratings decline was in the double-digits, a full 10 percent.

This should come as no surprise. Fans are disgusted with the NFL, not only for politicizing the game they love but that league policies reveal a left-wing anti-American streak.

For years, fans have watched the NFL use the threat of fines and suspensions to shut down every form of self-expression. Players were not allowed to raise awareness for domestic violence or breast cancer; they were threatened if they dared suggest honoring slain police officers or even victims of the September 11 terror attacks.

However, the single exception the NFL offered was to allow these spoiled millionaires to go ahead and spit on the American flag and the anthem.

Even Americans who might not support Trump are baffled over the NFL’s hostility towards America, and are sick and tired of the politicization of absolutely everything.

The NFL used to be a place where all Americans could go, a shared cultural experience. Now professional football is just another leftwing institution, another place where bubbled rich people tell us how to think, another Hollywood, another once-beloved institution hostile to us normal people.

The double digit ratings decline year over year is on top of the ratings decline already from the 2016 season when this nonsense all started. it would be closer to a 20% decline from 2015 season numbers. This is a staggering decline and it is about to get a lot worse. No other business in the country would bend over backwards to piss of a vast majority of their customers. Don't be surprised if we see a couple individual teams bankrupt as early as next year.
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NFL Ruins Football Sunday
Are you ready for some politics?

As politics has been infused into nearly every aspect of life, sports has held out the longest. Most of those involved in the games that America watches know that viewers want a break from the world — which means no politics. Even the athletes used to steer clear of politics, choosing to let their skills on the field of play speak for them.

But politics, like kudzu, has invaded everything, and sports has finally fallen. The new slogan for NFL Sunday will now be: "Are you ready for some politics!?"
Should be the final word as far as I'm concerned.

Legislation Seeking to Strip Taxpayer Funding from Sports Arenas Gains Momentum Following National Anthem Protests

Sen. James Lankford’s (R-OK) spokesperson told the Daily Caller on Sunday that interest in the “Eliminating Federal Tax Subsidies for Stadiums Act of 2017” (S. 1342) proposed by Lankford and his Democratic co-sponsor Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) in June, has grown in the past four weeks.

Booker and Lankford’s bill would ban professional sports teams from using federal tax-exempt funding and would amend the tax code to treat any bonds as taxable regardless of who is providing the bonds.

“Professional sports teams generate billions of dollars in revenue,” Booker said in a statement. “There’s no reason why we should give these multimillion-dollar businesses a federal tax break to build new stadiums. It’s not fair to finance these expensive projects on the backs of taxpayers, especially when wealthy teams end up reaping most of the benefits.”

Lankford agreed with his Democratic co-sponsor.

“The federal government is responsible for a lot of important functions, but financing sports stadiums for multi-million—sometimes billion—dollar franchises is definitely not one of them,” Lankford said.

Lankford and Booker’s bill notes that federal tax-exempted municipal bonds have financed the construction or renovation of 36 professional athletic stadiums. A Brookings Institute study reported that taxpayers spent $3.2 billion toward the construction costs of these stadiums.

They should never have received Federal funds in the first place.

Take a Knee, Pay Your Own Fee: Louisiana Politician Wants to Take State Money Away from Saints After Protests

Louisiana House Rep. Kenny Havard, says that after ten Saints players protested the playing of the national anthem on Sunday, the time has come for the State of Louisiana to pull funds from the New Orleans franchise.

Havard told the New Orleans Times-Picayune, “Disrespecting our national anthem and flag in the name of social injustice is the highest form of hypocrisy. I believe in the right to protest, but not at a taxpayer-subsidized sporting event. Do it on your own time. There are plenty of disabled children, elderly and veterans in this state that would appreciate the money.”

The Times-Picayune puts the dollar amount for state contributions to the Saints, at $165 million. While that represents only a small portion of the Saints’ $1.5 billion total value. Depriving Saints Owner Tom Benson of public money, isn’t the only way the state could hurt the Saints.

According to Pro Football Talk, “Neither the Saints nor the NBA Pelicans (also owned by Benson) pay rent to the state to use the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and Smoothie King Center, buildings built and operated by the state. But Benson does get to keep all revenue associated with games there, including ticket sales, concessions and parking, and they don’t pay sales tax on those revenues. Benson also keeps naming rights money for the buildings. The state of Louisiana also paid $85 million for a recent round of upgrades to the Superdome.”

So, Louisiana could decide that they no longer want to entertain Benson’s sweetheart deal, where he gets to use two facilities built by the state, rent free. They could also decide that Benson no longer gets to keep all revenue from concessions, parking, and the like, without paying taxes on it. Plus, of course, the state could decide they’re done with the corporate-welfare practice of paying for upgrades on stadiums Benson is using.

We can only hope.
As NOT seen on your nightly news:

VFW, American Legion go to war against NFL

The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion issued blistering condemnations of the National Football League – calling recent protests against the national anthem disrespectful, misguided and ungrateful.

“There is a time and place for civil debate, and wearing team jerseys and using sporting events to disrespect our country doesn’t wash with millions of military veterans who have and continue to wear real uniforms on real battlefields around the globe,” said VFW leader and Vietnam War veteran Keith Harman.

The 2 largest and most respected Veteran organization has condemned the NFL. I can only imagine a full military boycott will be forthcoming.
I'm not trying to start an argument but i don't really understand what the big deal is. The anthem is just a song and a flag is just a piece of cloth with pictures on it.

The behaviour of Trump and his fellow boycotters makes me think patriotism is more trouble than it's worth.
I'm not trying to start an argument but i don't really understand what the big deal is. The anthem is just a song and a flag is just a piece of cloth with pictures on it.

The behaviour of Trump and his fellow boycotters makes me think patriotism is more trouble than it's worth.

Behavior of Trump and his fellow boycotters? LOL.

The talking points you have heard are wrong as always. This "protest" did not start because of Trump. Go to the beginning of this thread and look at the date. These "protests" started under Barrack Obama.

The problem? This is not an event in a vacuum. The NFL has stifled free speech and freedom of expression on a grand scale since forever, before this single "cause". As an employer they have the right to state what employees can do on company time, even if it was head scratching for years. When the Dallas Cowboys team themselves wanting to do a small tribute to 5 Dallas police officers murdered in the line of duty by a BLM radical, the NFL turned them down and threatened fines. When several players wanted to pay tribute to 9/11 victims, on 9/11, the NFL turned them down and threatened fines. Same thing with players wanting awareness of domestic abuse. Same thing with players wanting awareness of breast cancer.

In the history of the NFL, it is only this single "protest" that has been allowed, encouraged and promoted. The NFL actually has a policy in the player's handbook on conduct during the National Anthem. The NFL has thrown out that policy and only that policy. It is very clear the NFL has entered into social engineering with this current round of propaganda. They are probably stunned at the utter fail of it. Ooops.


-George Orwell - 1984
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