AO withdrawals. The worst must be over..

@cecilia. Yes i'm serious. The guy is brilliant! On a side note even though we have never met in real life he has become a better friend than a lot of my friends in real life. He's a good person/friend.
Franko could SOMETIMES be amusing, I certainly admit that. When he 1st showed up on AO I let out a chuckle or two.

But when he stopped taking his meds or got frustrated (or whatever the explanation is) Frank could become excessively abusive.

He was abusive in public AND in private. Others would get PM's as I understand, I just got one email which was forwarded via the AO software. In other words, franko does not have my email. He just sent it from AO. I, not being an idiot, did NOT respond to him because then he WOULD have my email.

and the reason I posted his email is to show how small he is. This was not sent for the LUTZ. By definition "LUTZ" are public. He sent me that email to attempt to hurt my feelings and make a threat.

this makes him insane.

also: the people who wrote and worked on such classic comedies like Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory clearly have shown their superior sense of humor.

While Franko MAY possibly be funnier in person than on line, the fact that he doesn't know how to be a gentleman makes him ineligible for the Funny Award
He's right about Seinfeld and Friends though. I always found those about as funny as dental surgery without anaesthetic.
Friends was never funny.
Seinfeld is a very (admittedly) American/New York kind of humor. It may not easily translate into other cultures.

I personally find the original version of The Office way funnier than the American version, altho the American version was made successful because Gervais really worked hard to translate it. The original version was WAY more surreal and biting. Something most Americans (who watch regular TV) can't cope with.

The original version of Coupling was brilliant and when they tried to make an American version they failed HORRIBLY because Americans just find it too difficult to find sex funny. Plus they didn't realize that the KEY to the success of that show was the performance of Richard Coyle. Everyone else was slightly neurotic but fairly normal (relative to TV characters, anyway) but the real comedy came from this actors brilliant acting.

anyway, we have now gotten COMPLETELY off the topic - to slightly bring it back.......Franko may have an amusing 'Scottish' sense of humor - and I've seen a few TV shows from that area of the world, but he falls short of being hysterical.
I guess the only American humour I actually understand is from animation series like the Simpsons and South Park.
Pity you guys can't understand Dutch, we've had quite a few 'comedy' shows here. Lately, it's awefully silent though :(
cecilia said:
Seinfeld is a very (admittedly) American/New York kind of humor. It may not easily translate into other cultures.

Could be. I can't admit to ever seeing much of it, but what I did see didn't do it for me. And that bloody slap-bass scene interlude thing was just awful :D
Not sure how -- or even why this conversation seemingly and inevitably turned into a discussion about Franko. If it was the words "childish drama", then yeah, that's appropriate but honestly... Who cares? I'm betting even the mere mention of his name will probably cause a couple of bogus accounts to pop up here now, or more than likely I just get more nonsense over on the bunny, but again, and most sincerely, who gives a flusterduck?

My only intended point to make is that I'm surprised by the fact that I hadn't even noticed that I never visit any more.

I'm sure that it's probably paying for itself in Google ad displays by now, because the visitors count is always high but then again, it always has been. If I'm not wrong, Bill and Tedd can probably recoup their investment on sheer pageview to click ratio alone in about 3 years. It's sad they don't understand the fact that if the signal-to-noise ratio were 10x lower they'd bring in about 3x the money, but hey, I can't pretend to care. Like selling a lemon of a used car, it's theirs now.

When I started out in 1994, I truly LOVED the Commodore Amiga. I lived, ate, and breathed it. I started BBS's for it, and even Web sites for it. Hell, if it weren't for the fear of electrocution, my love of the Amiga might have truly taken a weird turn (JOKING!!!) but I digress.

By the time Bill and Tedd stepped in -- an act for which I was truly grateful -- I had lost all love for it and the Amiga and I had pretty much as toxic a relationship as other long-standing ones in my life at the time. I'm not saying it's the other party's fault in either my computer, or my personal relationships, but here we are.

Be glad Bill and Tedd stepped up, for if not, you might be visiting a porn site now, or nothing at all. Otherwise, if the signal to noise ratio is too high, people have two choices. Dig in or bug out. I've made my choice, and frankly I'm glad (and happier) for it, though like crack, that insanity and stress-inducing monkey called the Amiga community is hard to get off my back.

@Karlos. The bass interlude on Seinfield was actually the only thing i liked about the show. It was really good but the show still sucked.

@cecilia. The American version of The Office was far superior to the British one which i thought was quite dull. The American version seems to be getting better every season. It's one of my favorite shows. I also thought Extras was good too but in this case i hope they don't make an American version.
@cecilia. The American version of The Office was far superior to the British one which i thought was quite dull. The American version seems to be getting better every season. It's one of my favorite shows.

I suppose someone had to think that.
I guess the only American humour I actually understand is from animation series like the Simpsons and South Park.
Pity you guys can't understand Dutch, we've had quite a few 'comedy' shows here. Lately, it's awefully silent though :(
I think the main problem was Franko spam bombed and that annoyed a lot of people. He did eventually calm down though but then got banned. seems to be slowly returning to its normal self now. I know I've seen some of the people who left back there.