Not sure how -- or even why this conversation seemingly and inevitably turned into a discussion about Franko. If it was the words "childish drama", then yeah, that's appropriate but honestly... Who cares? I'm betting even the mere mention of his name will probably cause a couple of bogus accounts to pop up here now, or more than likely I just get more nonsense over on the bunny, but again, and most sincerely, who gives a flusterduck?
My only intended point to make is that I'm surprised by the fact that I hadn't even noticed that I never visit any more.
I'm sure that it's probably paying for itself in Google ad displays by now, because the visitors count is always high but then again, it always has been. If I'm not wrong, Bill and Tedd can probably recoup their investment on sheer pageview to click ratio alone in about 3 years. It's sad they don't understand the fact that if the signal-to-noise ratio were 10x lower they'd bring in about 3x the money, but hey, I can't pretend to care. Like selling a lemon of a used car, it's theirs now.
When I started out in 1994, I truly LOVED the Commodore Amiga. I lived, ate, and breathed it. I started BBS's for it, and even Web sites for it. Hell, if it weren't for the fear of electrocution, my love of the Amiga might have truly taken a weird turn (JOKING!!!) but I digress.
By the time Bill and Tedd stepped in -- an act for which I was truly grateful -- I had lost all love for it and the Amiga and I had pretty much as toxic a relationship as other long-standing ones in my life at the time. I'm not saying it's the other party's fault in either my computer, or my personal relationships, but here we are.
Be glad Bill and Tedd stepped up, for if not, you might be visiting a porn site now, or nothing at all. Otherwise, if the signal to noise ratio is too high, people have two choices. Dig in or bug out. I've made my choice, and frankly I'm glad (and happier) for it, though like crack, that insanity and stress-inducing monkey called the Amiga community is hard to get off my back.