Coof Vaccine Injuries


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Apr 2, 2005
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Obligatory "allegedly".

JUSTIN’S NIGHTMARE Justin Bieber shocks fans after he reveals his face is PARALYZED by rare virus called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

"As you can probably see by my face... I have this syndrome called Ramsay Hunt," the hitmaker said in a short video.

The famous star also revealed it has impacted a nerve in his ear, causing paralysis.

"As you can see this eye is not blinking," Justin shared while pointing to his right eye.

He continued: "This nostril will not move... so there's full paralysis on this side of my face."

"This is pretty serious as you can see," the entertainer said after mentioning fans left "frustrated" by the "cancelation of shows."

"I gotta get my rest on so I can get my face where it's supposed to be..." he added.


The paralysis isn't the first issue to hit the star's Justice World Tour, which began in February.

Not only is his Madison Square Garden show in jeopardy because of a hockey game but he and his wife, Hailey, caught Covid earlier this year, forcing the performer to shuffle his dates.


Just like her husband, Hailey has suffered from a recent scary medical emergency.

Back in March, while enjoying a morning with Justin, she said she felt a “weird sensation.”

"Obviously I thought I was having a stroke - a full-blown stroke”, she told her fans in a lengthy video.

“That was really, really scary.”

After the 25-year-old regained the ability to speak and control her facial muscles, the model was taken to the hospital where she learned that she had experienced a TIA (transient ischemic attack).

A TIA delivers stroke-like symptoms for a temporary period of time and is often referred to as a mini-stroke.

The mini-stroke was caused by a blood clot, which had escaped through a hole in her heart and gone to her brain.


While Hailey did not touch on her mental health due to the ordeal, she shared: "I would get really bad anxiety and my anxiety was making me feel funny.

"It would make my fingers and hands feel tingly, and I just honestly had a really, really hard time."
LOL, you believe the silliness crap.

I have this syndrome called Ramsay Hunt syndrome and it is from this virus that attacks the nerve in my ear and my facial nerves and has caused my face to have paralysis.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is treated by antiviral medication like acyclovir or famciclovir, as well as corticosteroids like methylprednisolone.

Generally, a high percentage of patients (70.4%) will recover completely with treatment, although some degree of facial paralysis and hearing loss may become permanent in some cases.

Shingles and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome are caused by the dormant varicella-zoster virus (VZV). They are prevented by the chickenpox vaccine.

By vaccinating children against chickenpox, you are also protecting them from shingles and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome in the future.

he has been diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome -- a rare disease that occurs when a shingles outbreak attacks facial nerves close to one of your ears.

The disease is in the same family of viruses that causes chickenpox and monkeypox: the varicella-zoster virus.

  • Feb. 20, 2022

The singer Justin Bieber has tested positive for the coronavirus,

Because of Justin’s COVID-19 case, a lot of people are wondering if Hailey’s health emergency was due to it as well. It hasn’t been reported whether Hailey tested positive for COVID-19, too, or what exactly may have contributed to her blood clot. There are lots of potential risk factors for blood clots, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These can include getting injured, sitting for hours at a time, having recently had surgery, being on combined hormonal birth control, and more. But COVID-19 has emerged as another potential blood clot risk factor. According to the Mayo Clinic, COVID-19 can cause blood cells to “clump up” and develop into clots. While Hailey’s blood clot affected her brain, blood clots can also affect parts of the body like the heart, lungs, legs, liver, and kidneys, with symptoms potentially presenting differently based on the exact body systems and organs involved. When a clot forms deep in a vein, for instance, it’s called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT is most likely to impact body parts like the legs, per the CDC, where it can cause symptoms like swelling, pain, and tenderness.
LOL, you believe the silliness crap.

I look at data and attempt to follow the data to logical conclusions. I don't let The Ministry Of Information tell me what to think.

he has been diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome -- a rare disease that occurs when a shingles outbreak attacks facial nerves close to one of your ears.

Shingles is a condition that typically affects older to elderly people. Justin Bieber is 28 and no one is claiming he has Shingles.

But COVID-19 has emerged as another potential blood clot risk factor. According to the Mayo Clinic, COVID-19 can cause blood cells to “clump up” and develop into clots.

Hilarious. You know what is confirmed to cause blood clots? Coof jabs. A number of Coof jabs were taken off the market for this very side effect. The un-jabbed Coof cases have never been shown to get blood clots as a supposed side effect of the Coof, only the jabbed. The jabbed don't even have to contract the Coof to get blood clots, just jabbed.

Bruce Willis’ wife focusing on her own needs amid actor’s aphasia diagnosis

Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

Though rare, neurological side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations are increasingly reported. Even if the first dosage goes uncomplicated, the second dose may be complicated by severe adverse reactions as in the following case.
Shingles is a condition that typically affects older to elderly people. Justin Bieber is 28 and no one is claiming he has Shingles.
I was early 30s when I had shingles. When the doctor told me what it was, I said I thought it was an old folks' disease. He laughed and told me that was a common misconception and that shingles has been on the rise in younger people. All it takes is a previous dose of chicken pox and a weakened immune system. My immune system was humped due to my one and only bout (so far) of flu, which cleared up less than a week before the shingles started.
I was early 30s when I had shingles. When the doctor told me what it was, I said I thought it was an old folks' disease. He laughed and told me that was a common misconception and that shingles has been on the rise in younger people. All it takes is a previous dose of chicken pox and a weakened immune system. My immune system was humped due to my one and only bout (so far) of flu, which cleared up less than a week before the shingles started.
yes, every time the topic is brought up I see young people admitting they got diagnosis of shingles.
I got mine at an older age but it was after a year of incredible STRESS, which is easily one of the triggers for shingles. And I had chicken pox many decades before the vaccine for chickenpox was available.
Shingles is a condition that typically affects older to elderly people. Justin Bieber is 28 and no one is claiming he has Shingles.
I think you misunderstood.

Herpes zoster oticus is a rare type of shingles -- a viral infection of a nerve that causes a painful rash on the face including the ear. It's caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.

In cases when herpes zoster oticus also causes muscles of the face to become paralyzed, it is called Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS).

He said he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS). Obviously he had chickenpox as a child. THAT is the virus he carries that is giving him grief at the moment.

I look at data and attempt to follow the data to logical conclusions.
seriously, dude. Sometimes you say the funniest things.
Hilarious. You know what is confirmed to cause blood clots? Coof jabs.
It is contraindicated to inject these vaccines intraveanously and injecting into the deltoid is supposed to render this safe because there are no major vessels in that muscle and therefore there is no need to aspirate to make sure you haven't hit a vessel. The remained of this post I have clipped from something I wrote to someone else:

From personal experience - and I now this makes it anecdotal but that is the point, anatomical anomalies are the province of individuals.
When I had my first COVID vaccine shot in the deltoid I asked that the needle be aspirated and watched to make sure it was done. There was no blood and everything went well, but on removing the needle I bled profusely from the wound, almost spurting, surprising both myself and the doctor. Though I am satisfied that the vaccine was safely deposited in muscle tissue, clearly the needle damaged a vessel on the way in which was only apparent when the needle was withdrawn. Consider that "in theory" my experience is impossible. I doesn't take more than a single counter example to show that a theory needs some tweaking.

In trying to find where the recommendation to end aspiration ultimately came from I have not been able to track it down to any good study. The two reasons I read all the time are "there are no blood vessels in the deltoid" and "aspiration can cause injections to be a bit more painful". The former, I would say, is less than 100% true and the latter seems to be poorly sourced. An unspoken possible reason is that by not aspirating one can perhaps deliver 20% to 30% more doses into people per day than with aspiration.

I have read papers going back to the turn of the century about how Acute thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following intravenous administration of adenovirus (the type of virus used in the Astra Zenica vaccine and the J&J. Intravenous injection of mRNA vaccines have been shown to cause Acute Myopericarditis in mice and plausibly implies the same thing could be happening in humans.

We can argue that the risk is low and we can argue about cost/benefit but even if it effects 1 in 10,000 cases that's still tens of thousands of people with possibly life changing injuries and for the sake of saving two seconds? Personally, I don't mind taking the extra time.
I saved you some keystrokes, the Ministry Of Truth says "nothing to see, here move along".

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) baffles doctors

A strange new medical anomaly has doctors baffled as it sweeps across the country. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is on the rise, and it’s tragically claiming the lives of healthy young adults, sometimes in their sleep.

Essentially, people are dying without displaying any prior sign of illness. They simply do not wake up after going to bed, or collapse during the day.

Reports of SADS have been increasing in recent weeks. A web piece explains that, ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome … is an umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people, usually under 40, when a post-mortem can find no obvious cause of death.’

The Melbourne-based Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute hopes to roll out a nation-wide registry to track cases.

‘In our registry, there are approximately 750 cases per year of people aged under 50 in Victoria suddenly having their heart stop (a cardiac arrest). Of these, approximately 100 young people per year will have no cause found even after extensive investigations such as a full autopsy (the SADS phenomenon).’

Apparently, SADS is now so common that the medical authorities must quickly develop a national registry to track SADS cases.

A Health Desk article published on June 7 notes that, ‘Most scientists think SADS is caused by a heart condition that interferes with the heart’s electrical system.’

Ah, so it’s a heart condition. Interesting.

It’s unfortunate that no sooner have we gone through a pandemic that a condition synonymous with ‘people dying of heart conditions for no apparent reason’ is on the rise. Is this simply terrible luck for the human species, or did something happen between the beginning of Covid and the emergence of this new epidemic that might explain it? In other words, what changed between then and now that might be affecting people’s hearts? Surely, any rational, objective, and truth-seeking person would ask this question…

Except, questions are becoming increasingly difficult to ask in a censorial medical world protective of its assets.

We are not really allowed to ask if these deaths in otherwise healthy young adults have anything to do with the last two years of abnormal health orders or the entry onto the market of new technology with limited long-term safety information.

What we do know is that mRNA vaccines have been linked to an alarming amount of deaths during a three-month trial period conducted by Pfizer in documents that they sought to suppress for 75 years – a request that was denied by the judge.

It's a longer read if you want to click through.
Doesn't seem like the Q crowd. Watch the video for context I suppose, but the comment section is what's interesting, though sad. Not much conspiracy going on, just anecdotal evidence.



Additional talk surrounding Ferguson’s death speculated on the possibility of a drug overdose.

On Thursday, the family of the late 26-year-old issued a statement via Twitter, declaring that no apparent cause in the linebacker’s death has been made known, including the potential of an overdose. Ferguson leaves behind a fiancé, Doni Smith, and three children.

“This is one of the darkest moments in our lives, and we are still utterly shocked,” the statement shared by Smith read
Other sources say he "died in his sleep".

Comedian Nick Nemeroff dies at 32

The comic gained acclaim both in his native Canada and in the United States, making appearances on Conan O'Brien's show and Comedy Central's Clusterfest.

Comedian Nick Nemeroff died on Monday, his family said in a statement mourning his "sudden passing." He was 32. The cause of his death was not released.

In a statement on Nemeroff’s Instagram account, the stand-up's family called him a “comic’s comic” who achieved success both in his native Canada and the U.S.

“It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved brother Nick Nemeroff. Nick’s dedication to standup comedy was formidable, and produced amazing results,” the statement said.

Nemeroff's family praised "his unique cadence, labyrinthine deadpan, and fresh take on misdirection-driven comedy."
A little older than the others so far, but a total mystery.

Blink-182 Drummer Rushed To Hospital With Mystery Ailment

TMZ reported that Barker and Kardashian had gone to West Hills hospital earlier Tuesday morning for a health issue, and doctors there apparently believed the situation to be serious enough that it warranted Barker making a trip to Cedars Sinai — via ambulance, no less.

According to a report from Page Six, both the ambulance carrying Barker and the black Range Rover transporting the power couple’s security team accidentally pulled into the wrong entrance at first and had to be redirected by hospital staff.

Barker’s latest tweet, posted just hours before he was taken to the hospital, was a cryptic three-word missive: “God save me.”

And although “God Save Me” is the title of a song by the drummer’s good friend and fellow artist Machine Gun Kelly, fans looked at it in a different light once the news broke that he had been taken to the hospital.

“Dang. Hope Travis is aight,” comedian Marcus Monroe tweeted in response.

Shortly after Barker was taken to the hospital, his 16-year-old daughter Alabama shared a brief message with her followers on Instagram: “Please send your prayers.”

Google says:

Cedars-Sinai has clinical programs ranging from primary care to specialized treatments for rare, complex and advanced illnesses.

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Former NFL Player, Notre Dame Star Dead At 35; Wife Issues Statement

Former Notre Dame football star Paul Duncan died last week at age 35, the athlete’s wife announced.

Duncan played as an offensive lineman for the Fighting Irish from 2005-09, and then briefly for the NFL on the Denver Broncos, ND Insider reported. He went into cardiac arrest on July 15, Duncan’s wife revealed. The couple share two children.

“Yesterday, Friday July 15th, Paul went into cardiac arrest while on a run in our neighborhood,” Ellen Duncan shared via Instagram. “Today he was pronounced brain dead. We will have a medical examination to understand cause of death.”

“His body will be donated to people in need of organs and to medical research,” Ellen said. “Thank you for your prayers and support.”

Another former NFL player, wide receiver Charles Johnson, recently passed, too.

The former New England Patriot was found dead in his hotel room this week, reports said Wednesday. The athlete’s cause of death is currently unknown. He was 50 years old at the time of his passing.
Shooting from the hip in this thread, but young to young-ish otherwise healthy people are dropping like flies. Most are turning out to be blood/heart issues out of the blue. Many of these the causes of death are not being released, seemingly ever.

‘Elvis’ Star Shonka Dukureh Found Dead at Home in Nashville

Singer and actress Shonka Dukureh, who starred as blues singer Big Mama Thornton in the film Elvis, was found dead at her home in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday. She was 44 years old.

Dukureh was unresponsive when discovered by one of her two young children she shared an apartment with, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department said in a statement.

No foul play is suspected. An autopsy is yet to be carried out to establish the cause of death, police added.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper tweeted his condolences to Dukureh’s family, saying that she had graduated from Fisk University in the city that she had called home for many years.

are you OUT of your mind?
what the heck does this have to do with vaccines?
there's no indication of why this poor individual passed away.
and, this pain in his arm?

That happens nearly every single time one gets a vaccine. ANY vaccine. I just got my 2nd booster this past monday, and I got the boo boo arm for about a day. It's gone today. I'm fine.

seriously, why are people so afraid of facts
Why are so many perfectly healthy young people suddenly dying of heart attacks and/or blood clots? First I heard the official cover story was a new strain of the coof. Now that cover story seems to be moving to people taking a shower!

Heart attacks in healthy people: A popular shower habit could take the blame

Heart diseases have for long been the deadliest killers around the world – yet, it is shocking how the incidence of heart attacks in healthy people has skyrocketed in the past few years, especially since the coronavirus pandemic kicked off. Several celebrities, actors, singers, and cricketers succumbed to the cardiovascular condition when blood flow to the heart comes to a halt suddenly starving the organ of oxygen. Although it is often associated with comorbidities like hypertension, high cholesterol, and poor lifestyle choices like smoking – a popular shower habit could contribute to a heightened risk of the deadly condition.