Cryptozoology taken seriously


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Cryptozoology is scoffed at as a pseudoscience in most circles. Recent ridiculous "reality" TV shows don't help. Shows like 'Finding Bigfoot' are a perfect example. I prefer to call that show "Scaring Bigfoot". So you are supposedly searching for a notoriously reclusive creature and your best idea is to bring out a large team of people, with camera crew and all equipment, tromping out into the woods and yelling as loud as you can? That's your strategy? :roll eyes:

Anyhow, this thread will take a serious look at things and not a reality TV show look. Unknown species are discovered all the time. Some of them at one time were scoffed at until proven, like gorillas and Coelacanths, others were just unknown. Then you get unproven ones but have been in oral & written history for millennium, some with evidence of present day existence. This thread won't just be about Bigfoot, though it is the commonly associated with Cryptozoology.

What better way to kick off the thread than with an account by a former president?

BTW that guys' channel is fascinating. While he is fully convinced of the existence of Bigfoot, he is very meticulous and scientific in his reasoning. Skeptic or not, his videos are worth a watch.
Gotta be fake, but sure attracted a big crowd. That skull looks an awful lot like a horse skull with some things glued on it.

Cryptozoology is scoffed at as a pseudoscience in most circles.

Don't know that I would call it pseudoscience but if it doesn't follow the scientific method it's, well..... let's just say it's probably not science.

Usually makes me think of Nessie rather than Bigfoot but that's probably because I live in the same country as Nessie:
Don't know that I would call it pseudoscience but if it doesn't follow the scientific method it's, well..... let's just say it's probably not science.

Usually makes me think of Nessie rather than Bigfoot but that's probably because I live in the same country as Nessie:

Speaking of Nessie, that was probably the first cryptid I got interested in as a kid. I was given a book on it in the 70s and read it cover to cover, probably the first book I'd read cover to cover. Back then I was convinced it was real and the Surgeon's Photo was the smoking gun. Now as an adult seeing modern analysis, studies and just common sense I can see that the Surgeon's Photo is clearly a toy/hoax. I also think there is no longer a creature in the Loch, if there ever was.

There is are a few North American versions of this creature said to be out there, the one that seems to be the most possible to be real is 'Champ".

Spider-like Creature With a Scorpion’s Tail Found: Chimerarachne yingi

I guess you could say I find the evidence of a Bigfoot type creature plausible enough to follow seek out info. Here's an interesting take from China on their version of Bigfoot, the Yeren.

And then you have a supposed hybrid.
