Democrat 2020 candidates.


Eric Swalwell Announces 2020 Presidential Run
Biden 1973: Gay Federal Employees ‘Are Security Risks’

On Tuesday, The Washington Free Beacon uncovered a newspaper article from 1973 in which former Vice President Joe Biden (who announced his candidacy for president on Thursday) claimed that homosexuals under government employ were a "security risk."

Biden's Senate record, advocacy of 1994 crime bill will be used against him, ex-Sanders staffer says

Former Vice President Joe Biden will face scrutiny over his record in the U.S. Congress and particularly his strong advocacy for the 1994 crime bill, says Independent voter and former Bernie Sanders staffer Tezlyn Figaro.

“I grew up in the 1990s. And my entire adult generation, those around me, really suffered a major consequence with that bill,” Figaro said on “Fox and Friends” Thursday, just minutes after Biden announced his candidacy for president.

“First time nonviolent offenders who went to prison for 15, 16, 17 years. People are still in prison right now as a result of that crime bill,” she added, noting that while the former Veep somewhat apologized for his support of the bill, he hasn’t spoken about how that will be fixed.

Michael Avenatti Endorses Joe Biden for President

Earlier this month, a federal grand jury indicted Avenatti on 36 counts of fraud, perjury, failure to pay taxes, embezzlement, and other financial crimes.

Last week, he was accused of embezzling $2.5 million from a negotiated payment Miami Heat player Hassan Whiteside thought he was making to his former girlfriend.

Avenatti received attention from several media outlets after he represented adult film actress Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump in an attempt to void a non-disclosure agreement she had signed.

The lawyer’s star rose so quickly that he briefly flirted with a 2020 presidential run, finding a great deal of grassroots support from the political left, including CNN host Brian Stelter. However, he withdrew from the race last December, several months before prosecutors revealed their charges against him.

Avenatti also was arrested for beating up his mistress in a hotel room, don't forget.
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Too rich. Millionaire Senator called Millionaire Senators immoral.

FLASHBACK: Bernie Sanders Called Millionaire Senators ‘Immoral’ in Unearthed 1971 Article

Vermont Senator and potential 2020 Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders slammed ‘millionaire Senators’ in a recently unearthed newspaper article; saying wealthy lawmakers representing working-class people is “immoral.”

“On Wednesday, CNN dug up a 1971 issue of the Bennington Banner, a local Vermont newspaper that reported on then-Liberty Union Party Senate candidate Sanders, who declared it was ‘immoral’ that half the U.S. senators at the time were millionaires and insisted that they represented ‘the interests of corporations and big business — their fellow millionaires,’” reports Fox News.

Sanders wealth took center stage on the campaign trail in recent weeks, with the self-described Democratic Socialist confirming he was -in fact- a millionaire following the release of his best-selling book.

“Either they (the candidates) are millionaires to begin with or they get it from the corporations,” said Bernie in 1971.

Read the full report at Fox News
You're kidding me, right? 1971? My parents bought the house I grew up in in 1971. For $9000. (It's worth well over $160,000 now.) You could buy yourself a brand new '71 Nova with a 350ci V8 for a bit over $2500 (or under $2400 if you don't mind the I6). (Compared to a base coupe or sedan now around $25,000.) If you really wanted to splurge, a '71 Torino with a 427 and drag package was still well under $5000. (Compared to a $60,000+ Charger Hellcat.)

To say what a million dollars is worth has changed a bit since 1971 is well beyond understatement.

There's plenty to criticize Bernie for... But seriously?! You can't possibly compare a '71 millionaire to a millionaire today, right?
You're kidding me, right? 1971? My parents bought the house I grew up in in 1971. For $9000. (It's worth well over $160,000 now.) You could buy yourself a brand new '71 Nova with a 350ci V8 for a bit over $2500 (or under $2400 if you don't mind the I6). (Compared to a base coupe or sedan now around $25,000.) If you really wanted to splurge, a '71 Torino with a 427 and drag package was still well under $5000. (Compared to a $60,000+ Charger Hellcat.)

To say what a million dollars is worth has changed a bit since 1971 is well beyond understatement.

There's plenty to criticize Bernie for... But seriously?! You can't possibly compare a '71 millionaire to a millionaire today, right?

You are correct about inflation, but Bernie is still a very wealthy man as a multi-millionaire with multiple mansions. His statement from 71 could still be applied to himself. Inflation calculator says $1M in 1971 would be $6,276,592.59 today. He's worth roughly $2M today, and will likely hit that inflation adjusted amount in a few years.

One of his main points was someone going to Senate poor, and becoming rich. He did EXACTLY that. He never worked a real job a single day in his life. He didn't work at all until he became a Senator, Now he is worth $2M with 3 mansions? On a government salary?
CNN: Letters from Joe Biden reveal how he sought support of segregationists in fight against busing

It was more than four decades ago as a battle raged across the country -- and in Congress -- over sending white students to majority-black schools and black students to majority-white schools often far away from their own neighborhoods. Biden forcefully opposed the government's role in trying to integrate schools, saying he favored desegregation, but believed busing did not achieve equal opportunity.

In a series of never-before-published letters from Biden, which were reviewed by CNN, the strength of his opposition to busing comes into sharper focus, particularly how he followed the lead of -- and sought support from -- some of the Senate's most fervent segregationists.

tHe RaCiStS sWiTcHeD pArTiEs In ThE 60s :rolleyes:
Posting before Google "fixes" the rankings.

Here's The Viral Anti-Biden Parody Site That's Outranking His Real Site On Google

Or how about "Joe's Legislative Accomplishments" provided by that are sure to charge up the Democrat base:

  • AGAINST Gay Marriage: In 1996, Senator Joe Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. This law also prevented states from recognizing same sex marriages.
  • FOR Mass Incarceration: Senator Joe Biden authored and voted for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which initiated the “3 Strikes and You’re Out” policy which has resulted in many people spending life sentences in jail for minor crimes. He nicknamed it the “Biden Bill.”
  • AGAINST Abortion Rights: In 1982, Senator Joe Biden initially voted for a constitutional amendment which would have allowed states to overturn Roe v. Wade – the Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.
  • FOR Iraq War: Senator Joe Biden, who at the time was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, voted for the resolution to authorize military involvement in Iraq. The Iraq war resulted in the death of 4,424 US military members and cost taxpayers $2.4 trillion.
