Depressing statistic


Active Member
Apr 1, 2005
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On Ars this morning:
Guns kill or injure 19 children per day in the US
Of all the children killed by guns in high-income countries, 91 percent are from US.


Nearly 1,300 children aged 0 to 17 are killed by gunshots each year in the US, and nearly 5,800 more suffer from non-lethal gunshot wounds, researchers estimate in a study published Monday in Pediatrics.
There's a channel on YouTube I quite enjoy (because I do have a interest in weaponry), the guy is based in Texas and it never ceases to amaze me the type of weaponry available to citizens in the US of A. To be honest, the fact that a civilian can own a .50 calibre semi-automatic sniper rifle and then load said rifle with incendiary armour penetrating rounds boggles my mind.
The only inanimate object ever created that can kill people, amazing.
The only inanimate object ever created that can kill people, amazing.
There are more inanimate objects that kill people everyday, like the radiation in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and more recently Fukushima. Or the agent Orange used in 'nam.
Maybe sometimes meteorites, or a tornado or thunderstorm so every now and then.
Most of them are avoidable by human intervention, but SOMEHOW - I'm not calling names - some people prefer to worsen things.

PLEASE tell me you keep your guns out of reach of your grandkids, Red...

While i firmly believe guns have no place in society and all guns should be melted down, the arguments from anti gun campaigners just don't make sense. Looking at adverts like this makes me cringe. I mean seriously, they are comparing an assault rifle to a kinder surprise :(
There's a channel on YouTube I quite enjoy (because I do have a interest in weaponry), the guy is based in Texas and it never ceases to amaze me the type of weaponry available to citizens in the US of A. To be honest, the fact that a civilian can own a .50 calibre semi-automatic sniper rifle and then load said rifle with incendiary armour penetrating rounds boggles my mind.
Not really a sport anymore is it?

Its not a sport, its the only way to control the feral hog population

The ranchers are paying for the helicopter hunting firms to shoot the feral hogs on their land
The helicopter hunter firms then sell hunting trips on the helicopters to shoot the feral hogs

Wild hog hunting by hot air balloon approved by Texas lawmakers

Ever wondered what it would be like to go hog hunting with a Barrett .50 cal rifle?

using a night vision scope
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Its not a sport, its the only way to control the feral hog population

Right. Feral hogs are a major problem in almost all of the lower 48 states. Not only do they destroy crops, but they are a major danger to humans.