Elon Musk watch (was Elon Muskrat watch)

If a lot of people wanted to do you some harm and I ran a twitter channel telling people where to find you in real time - that is not me just stating my opinion. That is not free speech and twitter already viewed that as doxxing before Musk.
Whether Twitter already considered real-time jet-trackers as doxxing isn't entirely clear. What is clear is that they were not banned before Musk took over.
He then said he wasn't banning such accounts.
Then he contradicted himself again and banned them anyway and said he was doing so because they broke Twitter rules.
Then he, you guessed it, changed his mind again, and said he was unbanning them.
You claim such accounts are not free speech, are guilty of doxxing, and therefore rightly banned. I may or may not agree with that but Musk doesn't (he didn't, then he did, now he doesn't again). And it matters little whether we agree on the definition of a specific application of freedom of speech on Twitter when the guy who owns the platform frequently and very publicly changes his mind about it.
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Whether Twitter already considered real-time jet-trackers as doxxing isn't entirely clear. What is clear is that they were not banned before Musk took over.
He then said he wasn't banning such accounts.
In what way was the flight information of Elon's plane public?
Whether Twitter already considered real-time jet-trackers as doxxing isn't entirely clear. What is clear is that they were not banned before Musk took over.
He then said he wasn't banning such accounts.
Why is it wrong to change your mind in public?
Musk has recently claimed that someone was stalking his 2-year-old son, even posting a video of someone he claimed had stopped his car, and has tried to suggest this was a direct result of the ElonJets account. But open-source intelligence researchers have located where the video was taken, noting it was nowhere near an airport and roughly a day later than any flight by Musk’s private jet.

In what way was the flight information of Elon's plane public?
I'm guessing you knew this already and are perhaps implying some broader point around differing levels of public availability or something but, if so, you'll have to spell it out for me. That aside, it's public in the way that it's publicly available and unrestricted so the general public can look it up if they wish. You can look it up for yourself if you want. This link, for example, is apparently of his jet. There's information pertaining to other planes he's said to use here.
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He's announced all major policy changes will now be announced by poll. There was a claim he'd already decided to step down but now he's put a poll up about it.
*Another* plot twist. The new CEO must invest their life savings in the company.
To be fair to the sometimes sycophantic Fridman, on this occasion he appears to have called Musk's bluff, even if he didn't mean to, by agreeing to invest his life savings.
Like a lot of social media users with absurd amounts of followers, this lad seems to have a somewhat inflated sense of self importance.
Ironic to now be applying this to Musk himself. ~3m votes, on a platform he's repeatedly complained is riddled with bots, apparently now represents "the public." Trumpian levels of self-congratulatory narcissism:

That said, I once again find myself more sympathetic towards this version of Musk:
“We have an emergency fire drill on our hands. ...This company is like you’re in a plane that is headed towards the ground and high speed with the engines on fire and the controls don’t work,” he said. “That’s the reason for my actions that may seem sometimes spurious.”
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Ironic to now be applying this to Musk himself. ~3m votes, on a platform he's repeatedly complained is riddled with bots, apparently now represents "the public." Trumpian levels of self-congratulatory narcissism:
Another Trumpian trait is to brag about votes that go your way but claim any that don't are rigged.
Tesla stock is cheap cheap cheap due to the Twitter drama. Tesla does not need Elon to show up everyday, they have over 100,000 employees. Hell, I almost got to be one but got beat out by someone probably younger and closer to Texas probably. Stock is a buy right now, stock up.

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Tesla does not need Elon to show up everyday, they have over 100,000 employees. Hell, I almost got to be one...
Interesting. What was the position and would you have needed to move house to work for them?
Yes, I would have had to move to Texas which I was more than willing to do. It was factory application support. Work was for 12 hours 4 times per week. Recruiter was ready to make an offer but someone else just barley beat me out for the position he later stated. I was really bummed out about it but life moves on. I work for another EV manufacture now.
Haven't seen much about this and it strikes me that the main reason is that to most pizza-gate types, Elon Libtard Paedoguy MuskRat morphed, at some point, into Elon Destroyer of the Libs Musk. It reminds me of what happened when Matt Gaetz was accused; abject silence from the accuse-anyone-on-the-tiniest-whim brigade. It's clear that the loudest ones don't care about paedophilia at all, they just use it as stick to beat "the libs" with:

Twitter didn’t block child sex abuse hashtags until journalists pointed them out

Hashtags promoting sale of CSAM were searchable on Twitter until NBC News report.

Elon Musk said in November that Twitter's top priority is eliminating content that sexually exploits children. But Twitter apparently didn't take action against a series of hashtags and keywords used to promote the sale of child sex abuse material (CSAM) until after NBC News identified the problem in a report published Friday.
Twitter blocked searches for the hashtags and keywords on Saturday, NBC News wrote yesterday.
"NBC News found that a series of hashtags on the platform related to the file-sharing service Mega served as rallying points for users seeking to trade or sell CSAM. NBC News observed the hashtags over a period of several weeks, and counted dozens of users who collectively published hundreds of tweets daily," the report said. "The accounts used thinly veiled keywords and terms related to CSAM to promote the content they said was stored on Mega, which they said was available for purchase or trade."