Fake News

So this proves that there is no flooding and no huge storm and therefore no global warming and therefore CO2 doesn't absorb and radiate in the infrared science is a conspiracy (which we already knew since we can see the earth is flat with our own eyes).

The Earth has been warming since the end of the Quaternary glaciation period which ended 11,700 years ago, marked by a rapid sea level rise of 350ft +/- (120m +/-)
Storms and Flooding happen every year
September = peak of Hurricane season

What weather event would prove or disprove global warming?
What weather event would prove or disprove global warming?
No weather event. The actual warming proves the warming. The actual sea level rise proves the sea level rise. The actual thinning of the ice proves the thinning of the ice.
The heat required to cause these effects can be calculated and the amount of heat reaching the planet can be measured and it's effects calculated. Orbital cycles are known and solar output is known. The temperature is the equilibrium point between the rate of energy in and energy out. Increase the energy in rate and temperature rises. Decrease output rate and temperature rises.
The properties of various gases and how they interact with light of various wavelengths is known. It's been over a hundred ears that we have known that the earth is a habitable temperature because of the several greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We have a pretty good estimate for what the equilibrium temperature should be for any given concentration of gases - it is very difficult to figure out how we'll get there, what may happen along the way and how that difference will be spread about from place to place but in broad strokes it's old news.
We have proxies for historical temperature and historical atmosphere and by comparing our sun to stars like it in various stages of their lives we can get a pretty good idea of the solar output through time and the relationship between gas, temperature and the sun is pretty apparent in the record.
We also know how much CO2 we produce (by using economic metrics and values for production of fossil fuels for the purpose of energy - and we have direct measurements of the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
We have very good reason to know where this is going - and all that's being asked of the people is that they switch to different energy sources and use it more efficiently. It would make sense even if global warming wasn't a thing but some people won't consider it because they don't like the people who are saying it.
The actual sea level rise proves the sea level rise.

The sea level was higher during both the Roman warm period and the Midieval warm period, sea level dropped during the little ice age, and is still rising from that event
In the last 8k years sea level has risen about 2 meters max, in the last 2k years it has oscillated +/- 0.5m correlating with warm and cool periods
So this proves that there is no flooding and no huge storm and therefore no global warming and therefore CO2 doesn't absorb and radiate in the infrared science is a conspiracy (which we already knew since we can see the earth is flat with our own eyes).

No, it means even when the Liberal Media doesn't have to lie, it will still lie.


That and Global Warming is a scam. You were duped.
No, it means even when the Liberal Media doesn't have to lie, it will still lie.

That and Global Warming is a scam. You were duped.
If you think the world is flat then NASA must be lying and all the pictures must be CG - even though NASA isn't the source of the knowledge that the world is a globe. And global warming isn't just the news talking - it's got a ton of boring tedious long studied evidence with well established mechanisms. Undercutting video and pictures from NASA doesn't demonstrate the world to be flat and undercutting the news when it tries to make VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS WEATHER look a bit more dramatic doesn't make this storm a nothing and it doesn't contradict global warming.
Ignoring your strawmen.

If you think the world is flat then NASA must be lying and all the pictures must be CG - even though NASA isn't the source of the knowledge that the world is a globe. And global warming isn't just the news talking - it's got a ton of boring tedious long studied evidence with well established mechanisms. Undercutting video and pictures from NASA doesn't demonstrate the world to be flat and undercutting the news when it tries to make VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS WEATHER look a bit more dramatic doesn't make this storm a nothing and it doesn't contradict global warming.

NASA has been politicized since Obama, if not before. It's not only the Liberal Media / Globalist Media lying about AGW, NASA is lying too. They've been caught cherry picking facts and cooking data. It's pretty pathetic. Actual real life scientists who don't get paid to produce predetermined results are all pretty much against the whole scam concept of AGW. It would be hilarious if not so insidious in the intentions. What scientists know the know the most about historical temperatures throughout Earth's history? Geologists. Why do yo think Geologists almost exclusively dismiss AGW as junk science? And why do you think the Liberal Media makes such a point of attacking them for doing so?
The sea level was higher during both the Roman warm period and the Midieval warm period, sea level dropped during the little ice age, and is still rising from that event
In the last 8k years sea level has risen about 2 meters max, in the last 2k years it has oscillated +/- 0.5m correlating with warm and cool periods
I guess that's something I'll have to read up on - but does this make CO2 not a greenhouse gas now? Does this mean that we haven't been adding to the CO2 in the atmosphere? Does the excuse that vases fall off tables for all sorts of natural reasons mean that the kid at the table standing on the chair is innocent?
I guess that's something I'll have to read up on - but does this make CO2 not a greenhouse gas now? Does this mean that we haven't been adding to the CO2 in the atmosphere? Does the excuse that vases fall off tables for all sorts of natural reasons mean that the kid at the table standing on the chair is innocent?


CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so is water vapor
CO2 effect as a greenhouse gas is logarithmic, not linear.
CO2 is currently at the very low end of its geologic range
Saw this already. Not very helpful - the scales are wrong to show what you want to show.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so is water vapor
True, and water vapour is a potentially positive feedback as temperature rise causes more evaporation - but we don't have much control over the water vapour in the atomsphere - we do (and did) influence CO2 levels.

CO2 effect as a greenhouse gas is logarithmic, not linear.
Citation? Show me the maths.
CO2 is currently at the very low end of its geologic range
Yes, if we are looking back through pre-human times - but don't forget that the sun was also less bright back then. Up until about a hundred years ago we were in the ball-park of historicallyt low, but we are now at about 400ppm which hasn't been seen in at least 800,000 years - quite a long time before modern humans appeared. As a species we have never experienced this much CO2 in the global atmosphere.
CNN Pushes Brett Kavanaugh Allegation Hours After Accuser Recants

Wednesday afternoon, however, just before 5:00 p.m. Eastern, Catalan admitted he had made a mistake and recanted the allegation:

Catalan is also a virulent anti-Trumper who has attacked Trump as a “parasite that occupies the White House.”

Nevertheless, at 7:33 p.m. Eastern, the far-left CNN not only used the already-recanted and totally false Rhode Island accusation for a breathless breaking news report against Kavanaugh, as you can see for yourself, but CNN did not even bother to report that the allegation had already been recanted.
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Negative Buzz Amplified by Russian Trolls

Persuading voters of this narrative remains a strategic goal for the U.S. alt-right movement, as well as the Russian Federation

This is how stupid Hollywood thinks you are. They think you will believe that Richard Spenser and Putin are the only reason anyone had a problem with TLJ.

Simultaneously, both positions can be correct, though. There were problems with TLJ. No one has said otherwise. But that doesn't mean negative buzz wasn't also amplified by trolls. It's a long slow boil strategy. Amplify division to seed public dissent and destabilize the US. If you *DON'T* believe the Russians (and others) are doing that, you're nuts. And, in hindsight, they've been doing it a long time. Maybe a decade or more, now. They are just now starting to see the payoff of it.

The interesting part is there's nothing illegal about what they're doing, and not much can be done about it. At least not without some major 1st Amendment problems. Getting people to chill out and look at things rationally is basically impossible. Just look at these message boards. And we're a lot more civilized and enlightened than most. That's the damn scary thought.

Identifying that there IS an information war being waged is a useful step.