France has an incident of workplace violence at Satirical Magazine

Funny how, as I scan through the pictures in the news I have to look twice sometimes. The terrorists and the police look so similar - I often have to check the captions to see which ones I'm looking at.
This is the worst massacre in Europe since a white Christian man named Anders Beivik killed 77 people in 2011.

(Meanwhile in the US if things are running close to average, about 80 people have been shot to death since the Hebdo massacre).
Actually, I'm not sure about that first panel. I don't imagine the Muslims would be too pleased at people making fun of one of their great prophets.
Religious people can get pretty bent out of shape over free public speech. Of course, when we invade Muslim countries and shoot them by the thousand, we are doing it for our own righteous beliefs. There is not much difference between Muslims believing that a magical sky god gives them the right to make the world in their image and the western view that "civilization" gives us the right to impose "civilization" on everyone. The "American Sniper" saw "savages" downrange of his scope. Those looking back saw an "infidel". Both were happy to kill based on the "authority" they chose to follow. I'm sure both sides (and maybe more sides than that) will try to justify their further use of violence by this attack.
Some Indonesian blogger/nobody?

Still an arsehole though.
Paris scoops Yemen - Hebdo gets all the coverage while Wednesday in Yemen saw a car bomb attack that killed between 30 and 38 people (depending on various reports). Then again, maybe attacks in Yemen aren't very newsworthy. According to the story I linked they had another suicide bombing last week that killed about 30 people as well. Then there was the attack about three weeks ago that killed 20 children and at the start of December Al-Qaida tried to blow up the Iranian ambassador to Yemen with a car bomb (but only killed 3 people).

I'm not saying the Hebdo thing isn't bad - just bringing perspective. They aren't the only people being hurt.
This is the worst massacre in Europe since a white Christian man named Anders Beivik killed 77 people in 2011.

Anders Beivik called himself a "cultural Christian", a " Christian Agnostic" & "Christian Atheist" , someone who only wanted to preserve its European cultural Christian legacy.
Nor does it extend to asking whether six million Jews died in concentration camps. We have our own blasphemies in the west.

So are you denying the goal of the "final solution" was to kill every Jew in Europe, or are you just quibbling over the exact numbers of how many were killed in concentration camps and ignoring those killed by other methods?

around 3 million were killed in extermination camps, 1.3 million by mass shooting and buried in mass graves
and unknown number killed by killing units assigned to kill Jewish civilians and other undesirables as the Nazi's moved into the Baltic's and the USSR. Then there were those were simply starved to death in ghetto's, or worked to death as slave labor.
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So are you denying the goal of the "final solution" was to kill every Jew in Europe, or are you just quibbling over the exact numbers of how many were killed in concentration camps and ignoring those killed by other methods?
I'm not doing anything other than noting that doing any of the things you note can get you jailed in some European countries (and bringing supporting facts to court is illegal). That's a blasphemy law by every important measure.
Anders Beivik called himself a "cultural Christian", a " Christian Agnostic" & "Christian Atheist" , someone who only wanted to preserve its European cultural Christian legacy.
Making it what? All right?

Free speech gives you the right to be an arsehole, doesn't mean you can't be sued

Note: Charlie Hebdo's editor, Philippe Val fired Maurice Sinet for not apologizing over the incident
Free speech gives you the right to be an arsehole, doesn't mean you can't be sued

Note: Charlie Hebdo's editor, Philippe Val fired Maurice Sinet for not apologizing over the incident

Did anyone get fired for not apologizing for the Mohammed cartoons?

"Oh, but that's different" you might say but draw me a diagram of exactly how it's different and it might not be pretty. Some people you can offend and it is culturally sanctioned and other people it is culturally taboo to offend and you need to apologize - and what's the difference?
Perhaps that cartoon hasn't been seen widely enough yet.
it's been around for a couple of years...and it's made the rounds today on twitter (at least) I think enough people have seen it to prove the point.
it's been around for a couple of years...and it's made the rounds today on twitter (at least) I think enough people have seen it to prove the point.
That twitter is for young liberal types?