From White House bid to Federal Prison looming for Hillary Clinton

Trump Calls For INVESTIGATION Into Clintons Because Of Hillary’s Uranium Sale To Russia

As a 2015 New York Times report revealed

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
I will stock up on popcorn for 2017. It will be an interesting year.

Well it sure took a long time to get here, but here we are. The Clinton Crime Family has been above the law. Despite what Soros paid propaganda "truth" sites like Snopes may say, anyone with 2 working brain cells to rub together that Hildabeast and Billyboy have been entirely above the law. They didn't call Bill "Slick Willy" for nothin. Hildabeast made sure to be far worse than her pedo-rapist husband. Looks like they may have finally found their match willing to prosecute.

FBI Informant Claiming Uranium One Scoop Cleared from Gag Order

As of tonight, the Department of Justice has authorized the informant to disclose to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as one member of each of their staffs, any information or documents he has concerning alleged corruption or bribery involving transactions in the uranium market, including but not limited to anything related to Vadim Mikerin, Rosatom, Tenex, Uranium One, or the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Campaign, DNC Accused of Violating Election Law with Dossier Payments

[T]he DNC and Hillary for America reported dozens of payments totaling millions of dollars to the law firm Perkins Coie with the purpose described as “Legal Services” or “Legal Compliance Consulting,” when in reality, those payments were earmarked for the firm Fusion GPS, with the purpose of conducting opposition research on Donald Trump.

And most interesting here? Looks like Soros has cut bait with the Clintons, now that their influence is basically gone.

By no means a right-leaning organization, the officially non-partisan CLC, has taken donations from left-wing activist billionaire George Soros, is still partly funded by a Soros family foundation, and lists opposing the effects of the Citizens United decision as part of its raison d’etre.

The Liberal/Globalist Media machine is quickly turning on the Clintons. Their usefulness is over, so they will now become sacrificial lambs.

WSJ: Hillary Russia bombshells just BEGINNING

And according to the Wall Street Journal, there are more bombshells to come.

The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?

The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite extraordinary pressure. So why did the firm suddenly insist that middleman law firm Perkins Coie release Fusion from confidentiality agreements, and spill the beans on who hired it?

Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.

If the House wins, don’t be surprised if those records include money connected to Russians. In the past Fusion has worked with Russians, including lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who happened to show up last year in Donald Trump Jr.’s office.

FBI bombshells are also yet to come. The bureau has stonewalled congressional subpoenas for documents related to the dossier, but that became harder with the DNC-Clinton news. On Thursday Speaker Paul Ryan announced the FBI had finally pledged to turn over its dossier file next week.

Assuming the FBI is comprehensive in its disclosure, expect to learn that the dossier was indeed a major basis of investigating the Trump team—despite reading like “the National Enquirer,” as Rep. Trey Gowdy aptly put it. We may learn the FBI knew the dossier was a bought-and-paid-for product of Candidate Clinton, but used it anyway. Or that it didn’t know, which would be equally disturbing.

In regards to the last paragraph, Congressional newspaper The Hill confirmed back in April that James Comey had indeed used the dossier as justification to monitor Trump campaign official Carter Page.

I’m sure we’ll learn he wasn’t the only one.
Even liberal lawyers admit: Hillary could be facing FELONY charges

During an appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, legal analyst and attorney Gregg Jarrett claimed that regarding the new Uranium One scandal in which Hillary Clinton has found herself embroiled, she could be charged for 13 potential crimes.

“Thirteen potential crimes committed by Hillary Clinton, she’d be charged for six anti-corruption – they were all felonies,” Jarrett said. “She could also be charged with racketeering for using her charity as a criminal enterprise and then you’ve got all of the email crimes – two of them under the espionage act and two additional.”

He’s not the only one who thinks Hillary could be in hot water.

Liberal legal scholar Jonathan Turley weighed in on the allegations against Hillary, saying there might be something “criminal” in the works.

Turley said: As you know, I’ve been very skeptical about the past Russian collusion claims as being a criminal matter, even though I supported the appointment of the special counsel after Comey was fired I’ve been cautioning and many others have that it really isn’t a crime to collude. In the same, it wouldn’t be a crime on the Trump side to receive information on the other side from a foreign national.

The allegations against the Clintons could potentially be criminal. It doesn’t mean that they are criminal. The $500,000 given to Bill Clinton might have been innocent. The timing might just have been horrible. But that would be a cognizable crime if a linkage was found.

In the same way, the allegation over the dossier does involve a potential violation of federal law. The Federal Election Commission Act requires campaigns to state a purpose for any money spent over about $200, to sort of have an item description for each of those amounts. There isn’t an item description for this law firm for the amount of money that is being alleged to have been given to this research firm.

It goes on and on.

Podesta Threatens Tucker Carlson with Legal Action if Reporting On Russian Collusion Doesn’t Cease

A lawyer representing Tony Podesta of the Podesta Group sent Fox News host Tucker Carlson a cease and desist letter in an attempt to silence him from reporting on the Podesta Group’s possible connections to Russia and their attempted influence over the U.S. elections.

“Podesta isn’t just complaining about us, he’s threatening us,” said Carlson during his show on Monday night.

According to Carlson, the cease and desist “demands that the show ‘immediately cease and desist disseminating false and misleading reports about Mr. Podesta and the Podesta group.’ It demands we retract and delete all our prior reporting on the Podesta group and warns that if we don’t do this, ‘Mr. Podesta may pursue legal action, including for damages in order to fully protect his rights.”

So the Podesta group wants any evidence of their past dealings to see the bin, or else. According to Carlson, however, Podesta has used this scare tactic before
Podesta Group & Mercury are companies "A" and "B" in indictment
Podesta Group & Mercury are companies "A" and "B" in indictment

And yet there is no investigation into "Skippy" and his brother Tony open pedophilia? A decade ago there were mainstream (left) articles openly talking about the "artwork" in Tony's house showing naked underage neighborhood kids. Nothing else added to this single verified fact would be enough.
Took them a while.

Report: FBI Launches New Clinton Foundation Investigation

The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.

FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the Foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in coming weeks.

The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.
This is sure taking long enough.

Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath

Apparently, no one in the federal bureaucracies cares to fully investigate Hillary Clinton’s email misconduct, but Judicial Watch is doing it, and we’re making progress.
U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
Interesting timing for this retweet, coming right after Wikileaks promises to sue The Guardian for their fabricated story about Assange meeting Manaforte.


Hopefully this is not just bluster. Considering how much the Clinton Crime Family has gotten away with to this day, I sure hope they have a huge smoking gun. Hillary Clinton is the #1 Teflon Don of all time it seems.
Long, long time coming.

BOMBSHELL: Federal Court Orders Deposition of Hillary Clinton on Emails and Benghazi

Here are the key points from Tom Fitton’s announcement today:
  • The Clinton email scandal is about mishandling classified information, destruction of records, obstruction of justice. It’s also a scandal because the State Dept and the Justice Dept helped her cover it up and let her get away with it.
  • Judicial Watch had questions for the Justice Dept lawyer involved in the email server case and the State Dept lawyer involved in our FOIA request for information on Hillary Clinton’s emails.
  • The judge was “pissed” [my words] because the governments’ lawyers were trying to shut down Judicial Watch’s case without disclosing “12 boxes of emails” that the State Dept discovered.
  • We want to know whether Hillary was gaming the system to thwart FOIA and whether any of her emails can be found at this point.
  • This is about accountability for Hillary Clinton and the Deep State.
  • We found out through discovery that the lawyer who separated out the 30,000 emails that were handed over from the 33,000 that were “discarded” wrote an after-action report about the process. The FBI didn’t provide that memo; Judicial Watch is requesting its full disclosure now.
  • There were reports that Hillary’s email guy, Paul Combetta, supposedly sent her entire email cache to an email address at Gmail that also happened to be the same email address as a Chinese company. This was discussed in a letter by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) recently.
  • After seeing the Grassley letter that we provided, the judge said, “I want Judicial Watch to shake the tree on this new email cache that has been disclosed.”
  • This is significant new discovery, new witnesses, a new topic. Hillary herself may get deposed. And we’re doing it all over the opposition of the Justice Dept and the State Dept.
  • This is about the Benghazi scandal, too, because the judge thinks that the reason they were trying to hide the Clinton emails was because they were concerned that there might be embarrassing information about Benghazi in them. Benghazi is front and center in this FOIA case.
  • The political class says that we’re not allowed to talk about Benghazi anymore. But four Americans were needlessly killed, and they tried to cover it up and make sure that President Obama won reelection. And we’re going to find out.

Poll: Majority of Democrats Want Hillary Clinton Investigated for Link to Russia Hoax

The survey, which polled 1,308 Americans about Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the FBI’s probe of Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia in 2016, found that 66 percent of Democrats think Clinton should be investigated, up roughly 20 points from October when TIPP polled the same question. The poll was released before Durham released a report that asserts Clinton’s campaign tried to spy on former President Trump’s computer servers in a failed effort to connect him to Russia.