Funny Pics '15

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Did a google search for "whyzzat" looking for old screenshots. This image popped up, and I thought.... "hmmm... How'd we rate so high?" :)

I don't really get the hate against Fox, and here's why.

If Fox News were the big evil that all the Obama apologists, liberals, and socialists want you to believe it is, their network wouldn't be the most popular American news source and growing right now. For all the hatred against them, Fox is arguably the place a majority of the American public turns to for news. Sad or not, that's tied directly and inextricably to Obama's shitty regime and his sagging ratings.
... their network wouldn't be the most popular American news source and growing right now.
I take issue with that characterization. It is not a source of news and never has been. That was not what it was created for. It was created as a political megaphone for the right wing.
Sad or not, that's tied directly and inextricably to Obama's shitty regime and his sagging ratings.
The shitty regime and the shitty regime before it are a consequence of Fox rather than the other way around. Fox enabled the worst excesses of pandering to the banks and oil companies and encouraging the wars. However, it is popular because it puts forward an engaging and very simple narrative - namely, America is always right and America is surrounded by evil enemies that need fighting all the time and that you should hate the government (the democratic process if people were truly engaged in the idea of government) and should instead trust in God and the people that claim to speak for Him. It's actually a very successful propaganda historically and has been used by every religion and empire in history .... but it isn't true. Fox News is one of the ways the oligarchs rule without having to identify themselves as the rulers.
The other tools include preventing criticism of their material with copyright laws, restricting who can produce food with GMO patents / food safety laws and restricting who can buy food and other necessaries with credit ratings and increasing restrictions on the use of cash - and of course, watching absolutely everyone for signs of unrest and threats to their power - all with laws passed for your own good.
The other main stream news services are not actually that different though.
It was created as a political megaphone for the right wing.
As CNN exists for fluffing the boners of the left-wingers...

Whether you consider Fox or CNN evil is just a matter of perspective, and that's leaving their special needs brother (MSNBC) out of the equation.

The level of vehemency towards Fox just surprises me sometimes, because it seems that no one can have a negative opinion of the President without being accused of being a Fox "worshiper".. For years, we heard the phrase "Clinton News Network". So much so that the name is kind of just an accepted joke (like that really is their name or whatever)...

If anything, I take issue with the fact that most people don't realize the blade of bias reporting cuts in pretty much every direction the rich and powerful decide that it moves.

The other main stream news services are not actually that different though.
Sadly true. It's sad when the least biased source of US News is either the BBC or other foreign news services.
As CNN exists for fluffing the boners of the left-wingers...
CNN is there to pretend that the left has representation in the media. There IS no left wing main stream media.
@cecilia whatever you're linking at GitHub isn't working. All I get is constant 404s..
Weird. Now they appear to be working, so I can only surmise that it was some sort of GitHub glitch?
weird and weirder hmm

which reminds me....what about the images we uploaded to the last installment of Whyzzat?

I think I have them on my that something I can link to here?
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