Helllllooo Police State

No question about it, our Prime Traitor Harper is an authoritarian bastard and he knows who his boss is. When he meets Obama next week he'll bend over Canada for a nice ass whoring AND we'll pay Obama for the privilege. Not only will he fail to sell Alberta oil to the US but will also fail to make any headway on the "Buy American" bullshit. On top of all that, Canadians will be charged $5.50 for an "inspection fee" when crossing the boarder. So what does Harper get in return for all these lovely concessions? Nothing less then giving up some more of our sovereignty of course: we'll be "harmonizing" our safety standards so that Washington decides what safe for Canadians. And that's just the stuff we know about! How could we not be happy with such leadership!

Harper and Obama poised to lift curtain on border deal
Things like THIS!!! Threatend with 75 years for filming police!
Fortunately the judge threw the charges out, but so long as the threat exists there will be plenty of people who will cave rather than face the hassle and that means they succeed in curtailing people's rights.
Hmmm... Shooting cops with a video camera or an assault riffle gets you the same prison time. Might as well shoot them and make it count.
kinda like being arrested for protesting bank fraud whilst others go free unfettered to protest at soldiers funerals... guess we live in a country that picks and chooses whom to protect.

kinda like being arrested for protesting bank fraud whilst others go free unfettered to protest at soldiers funerals...

Or worse, go to jail for protesting bank fraud while others get massive bonuses for committing bank fraud.
im going to form a religion... The First Church of the AnticorpriChrist. One of our Tenements of Faith shall be that our god despises the screwing over of the individual as an employee, consumer, or investor. Then the occupy movement gets religiocrazy protection like Westboro.
With draconian new powers to deal with domestic terrorists, how long before protesters are terrorists?

Police in London are already trying to blur the lines.
The Department of Defense is training all of its personnel in its current Antiterrorism and Force Protection Annual Refresher Training Course that political protest is "low-level terrorism."

You can tell who owns the government by who the protesters are "terrorizing". of course, not all protests are terror. You can tell which ones are the most scary because they beat and pepper spray those protesters. The nice safe protesters they let be.
Republicans own Florida and they're the ones pushing for this. How did your representative vote on this?
Oregon is the only state where BOTH senators voted against. That leaves 5 other states where only one senator voted against.