Hope & Change = Red Dawn


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Apr 2, 2005
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Russian Troops to ‘Seize’ CIA Facility in Elaborate War Game… on U.S. Soil

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Colonel Alexander Kucherenko publically announced this 24-21 May “anti-terror drill” this Friday past noting that this will be the first time Russian airborne forces have held exercises with the US airborne forces on US territory. Colonel Kucherenko stated, “According to the exercise scenario, soldiers of the two countries will hold a tactical airborne operation, including the reconnaissance of imaginary terrorists’ camp and a raid. After the operation, a helicopter will evacuate the soldiers.” He further added that Russian airborne troops would be training with US special service weapons in these drills in Fort Carson, Colorado.

The Reds are taking the country without firing a shot thanks to Hope & Change.

Obama didn't even wait until he was reelected to invite his Commie buddies:rolleyes:
Blue truck - full of insurgents. Light 'em up!!!!
I'm finding it increasingly difficult to tell which of these threads are light-hearted jokes and which are serious.

Russians = Commies?
A year ago I'd have laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion and played along (no one is that ignorant, right?).

Now? I honestly can't tell.
I'm finding it increasingly difficult to tell which of these threads are light-hearted jokes and which are serious.

Russians = Commies?
A year ago I'd have laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion and played along (no one is that ignorant, right?).

Now? I honestly can't tell.

I have a Marxist as President, it's all surreal now.
I have a Marxist as President, it's all surreal now.

This is exactly what I mean.

Are we really supposed to take comments like this seriously?
This is exactly what I mean.

Are we really supposed to take comments like this seriously?
The big problem really is the complete misuse of the intermixing of terms socialist, marxist, fascist, etc. by the right-wingers. These words really do have meanings. Misuse weakens the strength and purpose of the words. I'd compare it to crying wolf. If a real marxist did get into the President's seat the term would be so weak through repeated misuse that no one would listen.
The big problem really is the complete misuse of the intermixing of terms socialist, marxist, fascist, etc. by the right-wingers. These words really do have meanings. Misuse weakens the strength and purpose of the words.

I think Orwell touched on this. If you can destroy the meaning of words then you make it much more difficult for people to think and you can make certain modes of thought or ideas next to impossible and even if some individuals can think "dangerous" thought the thoughts will not spread because the thinker will lack the means of communicating those thoughts.

If you can make language meaningless and confusing enough then it will fail to be useful as a tool to unify any opposition to the ruling classes. It will also make the slave classes easier to rule as they will fail to think about whether the commandments you pronounce upon them make any sense or are for their own benefit.

The techniques of modern social control (probably true of social control through the ages but these days we have theories behind the methods whereas in previous times rulers were simply winging it, going on gut and re-using what worked before) are to disengage the intellect and therefore to manipulate them on an emotional level.

"Dumbing down" is a part of that and that includes removing meaning from certain big concepts, but constant war and fear of attack is another part as is the fear of unemployment, the fear of foreclosure and the endless expansion of the work week as people have to work faster and for longer hours and this precludes the time for rational thought and discussion and makes it harder for the rabble to organize. This is one of the dangers of a large body of unemployed, of course - or retired people with pensions, or a middle class with enough income to have leisure time.

You lefties really see no problem with bringing RUSSIAN TROOPS on USA soil to train for killing Americans? I guess we know why Obama needed 450 million .40 hollow tip rounds! Because Obama is doing it, all of a sudden you love Putin and Russia?
You lefties really see no problem with bringing RUSSIAN TROOPS on USA soil to train for killing Americans?
America has been hosting armies from around the world for "training" for decades. It gets access to their generals and leaves individuals subject to influence in their ranks. Of course, there's some vice versa going on as well - and both sides are sure they will come out ahead. I'm not meaning to come off in favour but this is only unusual in partners and venue. Why would the Russians agree to let their guys go to the US?
You lefties really see no problem with bringing RUSSIAN TROOPS on USA soil to train for killing Americans?

You think the Russians are communists.
Any discussion under such circumstances is destined to be as productive as debating with a freshly peeled prune.
You think the Russians are communists.
Any discussion under such circumstances is destined to be as productive as debating with a freshly peeled prune.

Time for the Russians to train to kill UK citizens too? You can't tell sarcasm from "his commie buddies"?.
Ah, so you were joking?
As I explained already, I didn't know whether the comment was serious.

About the Russians being Commies? No, they are not textbook Commies anymore. That doesn't mean I want Russian troops training to kill Americans on US soil.

Pretty sad that Russia are no longer commies, but the USA has a Marxist president. Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
the USA has a Marxist president.

You don't really think that either, do you?

Is it safe to take all of these outlandishly absurd claims as jokes from now on?
About the Russians being Commies? No, they are not textbook Commies anymore. That doesn't mean I want Russian troops training to kill Americans on US soil.

Pretty sad that Russia are no longer commies, but the USA has a Marxist president. Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.

"Capitalism according to Marxist theory can no longer sustain the living standards of the population due to its need to compensate for falling rates of profit by driving down wages, cutting social benefits and pursuing military aggression."

What a nut!! Sure, that may have been the case over a hundred years ago when Marx was alive but modern capitalism has fixed all that.